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Girls who want to cuff you: how to deal with them?

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So I’m dating this cute girl and after 3 dates she already asking if I want a long term relationship or just sex? I’m not sure and I don’t want to lie. So I told her “it is ok if you don’t want sex” after a rejected physical escalation from my part. I think she didn’t liked this. I think I screwed up this shit test. How can I know she is long term relationship material after couple of dates? :s Just give me a break. 

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1 hour ago, Energia said:

I’m not sure and I don’t want to lie. So I told her “it is ok if you don’t want sex”


Why did you say that rather than this:


1 hour ago, Energia said:

How can I know she is long term relationship material after couple of dates? :s



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