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Your world, my world, it's just a world. 

A grand canvas. From mountain peaks to shifting sand. Bubbles in the water, your oceans roar.

Beautiful roads, your forests sigh, a striking symphony beneath the sky. 


Your world, my world, it's just a world. 

Where we live as one. I send out my loving energy and hugs to those who care to receive. 


I trace your rivers, silver veins, That feed the plains, where life sustains. Volcanoes burn, a fiery rage, beautiful hills that will gracefully age. 


Your creatures roam, a vibrant dance, from feathered flight to starlit glance. The deserts bloom, a fragile grace, A hidden smile upon your face.


Your world, my world, it's just a world. 

Where we live as one. I send out my loving energy and hugs to those who care to receive. 



Though storms may rage and shadows creep, A hidden beauty you still keep. The dawn ignites, a golden kiss, A promise whispered, not to miss. 


Your world, my world, it's just a world. 

Where we live as one. I send out my loving energy and hugs to those who care to receive. Graceful words is all we need. 



We, fragile threads within your weave, to cherish, heal, to help believe. With gentle touch and mindful heart, Let love for you forever start.


Your world, my world, it's just a world. 

Where we live as one. I send out my loving energy and hugs to those who care to receive. Graceful words is all we need. 


Graceful words. A love poem to this world. 


So basically I'm an autistic INFJ BPD sigma Pisces female with anger and CPTSD issues. Wow wow. 

My plate looks full. I Couldn't have been weirder than that. Now I get why I'm so idiosyncratic. 

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Arms that open, a silent decree,

An invitation, just hold me close, please.

A tender embrace, a warmth that enfolds,

A story unspoken, in feelings it's told.


The touch of a shoulder, a head on a chest,

A haven of comfort, a place for us to rest. Worries may linger, but for a brief time,

They melt in the solace, like snowflakes in clime.

A squeeze that speaks volumes, of love and of care,

A silent supporter, a burden to share.

A whisper, a secret, a tear gently dried,

A refuge of safety, where fears can subside.


A joyous reunion, a greeting so dear,

A tightening hold, to know someone's near.

A farewell, a promise, we'll meet once again, A silent goodbye, in a comforting squeeze, then.

Hugs, oh so simple, a gift from the heart, A language of feeling, a beautiful art.

So hold on tightly, let love fill the space,

For in a warm hug, we find solace and grace.



So basically I'm an autistic INFJ BPD sigma Pisces female with anger and CPTSD issues. Wow wow. 

My plate looks full. I Couldn't have been weirder than that. Now I get why I'm so idiosyncratic. 

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