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1 minute ago, Mandy said:

@ivankiss The coworker is a mirror of you, not your girlfriend. 


Trigger = mirror, something unaccepted, unseen, believed to be other than. 

I might be a slut, but definitely not this trashy and deluded.


I have manners. I know when something is appropriate or not. I am chill and professional at work. Everything she's not.

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Don't get me wrong. I love my girlfriend. I am glad we ended up together. But do I hate seeing this sluttiness inside of her. Fuck yeah I do.


In fact, I hate it so much, I've been fighting it for nearly two years now. Supposedly, all in vain. As she's never been slutting around, in her words. She's only ever been with less than 10 men. And the reason I saw her slutty side, is because she just got out of a relationship when I met her and she was letting loose a bit.

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1 minute ago, Mandy said:

@ivankiss The more you make her other than using pride as the excuse to do so, the more of her you'll attract. Even if you left the job or got her fired, it would be like playing whack a mole. 

So I just have to kill the slut within me, is what you're saying?

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1 minute ago, ivankiss said:

I don't know what kind of a story the mirror is trying to put together here, but it's twisted.


It's always twisted because there aren't any straight lines. If you throw a boomerang while expecting that there are truly others who are less than or to blame, or whatever else, the boomerang always takes a turn, and comes right back at ya. If you want people to leave you alone, leave them alone. That you're triggered by her is making you attract her, so much she's literally begging to merge with you. So much unnecessary emphasis on physicality. 

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@Mandy That's cool, thanks. It kind of sort of helps.


What I'm looking to do here, instead of drawing conclusions about slutty mirrors, is to just act and resolve this with a few swings of my wand. Preferably today.


Leaving to work in two hours. Glad I vented a bit beforehand.




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Just now, Phil said:

Tell her you didn’t realize you were experiencing insecurity under the arrogance and pride. 

I would be lying. I am way too aware of my insecurities. 


I am too weak and that's why I'm targeted. Or maybe it's just because I'm hot and brilliant. Who knows.

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13 minutes ago, Phil said:

Be born again. Jealousy too, of her absence of insecurity for the deeper win.

Arguably, I was being a bit too reborn at work, shining a bit too bright, that's why I'm so irresistible.




If I understand what you are saying, which I most likely don't, then silence is the answer. 

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