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Need help with work visa/taxes questions

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Hi all,


I was wondering if anyone be able to make any recommendations for me or help me find information/what would be the right people to talk to about this.


I live in Canada and have a Canadian citizenship. I am looking for US remote job right now that I could either work from living in Canada or more likely in Europe. Is something like this possible? What are the tax implications in this case? Do I have to be in USA for x months out of the year (which wouldn’t be a problem)


I have an interview with HR with a US company on Monday. How should I ask them these questions without scaring them away?

Or should I just say I’d be willing to relocate to US - knowing on my end that since the work is remote, I can just live in US the minimum amount of time required and work the rest of the time from wherever I want? Basically not mention the whole living elsewhere situation.. Also does anyone know what that minimum amount of time is? 

Edited by Rose
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This is something I’d look into really thoroughly with a tax professional and visa professional as you might end up paying double taxes. As far as the interview I’d do all of the research and get every question answered prior to the interview. Also I can’t help but wonder… why? 

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