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A person should have plenty of free energy if their meridians are not restricted. The meridians suffer two major limitations: the body getting clogged up, and continual stress. Energy cannot flow freely if the body is toxic and stress causes the meridians to narrow even further. When the meridians are compromised short bursts of energy are usually followed by long periods of recovery. This makes it difficult for a person to live a full active life, instead of just eking out a measured existence.

Meridians can be developed by doing energy exercises.


what are some of those energy exercises that can be done? 


I may know some practices but I want to know more 





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Just now, Isagi Yoichi said:

Positive feelings in my experience fades very fast i haven't kept a positive vibe&feeling for a long time 

They just come and go rarely i want to have a positive feeling on my own like a signature rather than depending on outside sources or circumstances 



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52 minutes ago, Isagi Yoichi said:

Positive feelings in my experience fades very fast i haven't kept a positive vibe&feeling for a long time 

Positive feelings isn’t feeling, it’s a thought which is a conceptualization of feeling as plural and as a possession, and as positive & negative on behalf of a knower & judge of feeling. 


Alternatively… acknowledging, feeling, and therein un-suppressing emotions

Especially if seeking energy. 

Energy in motion. Emotion. 


Technically one doesn’t get more energy, one unfetters, allowing infinite energy. 


49 minutes ago, Isagi Yoichi said:

They just come and go rarely i want to have a positive feeling on my own like a signature rather than depending on outside sources or circumstances 

Perhaps this is the realization that seeking feeling in experience has not panned out. 




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12 hours ago, Isagi Yoichi said:

Meridians can be developed by doing energy exercises.


what are some of those energy exercises that can be done? 


I may know some practices but I want to know more 


Depends on what you already know really. The basics are usually the most efficient things here.


9 hours ago, Phil said:

Expression / emptying, meditation, yoga, blooming & aligning the chakras and aligning thought with feeling. 


You see what Phil mentioned here has nothing to do with increasing your energy/strengthening meridians or whatever else you want to call it. It basically releases blockages you may have. Simple expression and moving up the funny emotional scale they like to use here releases subtle dense energies and is easily felt. Deeper emotional work releases much more and a single release can transform some area of your life in a matter of a day.  Fun to watch sometimes. Had clients move countries, make random successful investments, receive windfalls, unexpected job interviews etc., countless instantaneous healings. Somehow it never stops surprising and amazing.  


But in terms of actual strengthening Qigong - Tai Chi, many types of breathing exercises, and whatever Cherokee practised with their concept of Orende in my experience work best for people (in the case of Orende it really is about being your primal self, sort of imagine yourself as a hunter-gatherer). If you have a proper Tai Chi dojo nearby I'd go for it first, you'll be properly mindblown after the first session hopefully. A combination of Tai Chi + strength training is my fave, i.e. countless energy, gains, and regeneration.


Nevertheless starting with releasing blockages, and cleaning up the diet and life patterns are the first steps. No one in this community functions even close to their optimal, natural level. Generally moving away from here would be one of the cleaning process parts, it's a really low place vibrationally speaking. Reiki might raise your vibration momentarily but will put you back in place with time if you don't heal any of the patterns that put you in a lower-vibrational state in the first place.


You'll come to your conclusions at the appropriate time. If you want to increase your Chi you will also be led to whatever it is you need. Don't get obsessed with finding answers, they usually like to come unexpectedly by themselves.

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1 hour ago, ThePoint said:

Depends on what you already know really. The basics are usually the most efficient things here.


I don't think about it in terms of basics it's just a practice , It is Islamic prayer and fasting, those two I know but I haven't tried anything else.



1 hour ago, ThePoint said:

No one in this community functions even close to their optimal, natural level. Generally moving away from here would be one of the cleaning process parts, it's a really low place vibrationally speaking


that's why Phil keeps writing the same posts over and over again no one seems to get it including me too its like enormous devotion and love for helping people here it's very underrated of him if people really try to comprehend what he wrote under their posts and everything on the tools section the community will be much better.


don't ignore the guidance guys


🤍 @Phil



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A good teacher, by definition, is reflected in his students' ability to effectively learn what he teaches. 

A good communicator, not fixated on a single viewpoint, can convey his message clearly on different levels to a different audience.

A good spiritual leader, not somebody who thinks he has 'realised' something someone else has not, is utterly confident in his message, at the same time knowing that everything he teaches might be completely wrong.


A good business owner is focused on the wellbeing of his business, its survival, potential returns. He might even forget that's what he's been after all along and assumed some silly persona portraying something else.


Play bingo and guess which one Phil is.


There's only one right answer by the way.

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5 minutes ago, ThePoint said:

A good teacher, by definition, is reflected in his students' ability to effectively learn what he teaches. 

A good communicator, not fixated on a single viewpoint, can convey his message clearly on different levels to a different audience.

A good spiritual leader, not somebody who thinks he has 'realised' something someone else has not, is utterly confident in his message, at the same time knowing that everything he teaches might be completely wrong.


there is no teaching or a teacher here



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