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Non-Dual Holy Trinity (Notes)


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I wanted to share these notes I made a few weeks ago that I rediscovered today: 


The Father


The Father is the creative aspect of Consciousness, it is the light, the beingness, the beauty, the boundlessness. 


The Father is the guidance, the lessons, the provider, the Lover. 


The Father Created all things, the Father is always present, the Father is presence. 



The Son


The Son is the representation of the absence of resistance, of surrender to the Father. 


The Son is embraced when one no longer falls for the illusion of self-referential thoughts, the Son is embraced when one decides to listen to the guidance of the Father, the Living One. 


The Son is the embodiment of putting your head down, receiving the Love of God, Submission. 


So much beauty and goodness is unveiled when the Son is embraced. 


The Holy Spirit


The Holy Spirit is the representation of the Divine Emptiness of Reality, of God, of the Son, Of All Creation. 


The Holy Spirit points us to the truth that there is no fundamental substance within the Creations of "the Father". 


The Creations of the Father are always changing, morphing into new creations, yet never actually being any solid thing at all since there is no solidity whatsoever in the creations of the Father, only an effortless flow. 


This is Love, this is Infinite Completion.



The Love of God 


The Love of God is complete unconditionality, the Love of God is constant letting go, constant allowing of his Love. 


We are creations of God and as creations we are made in "his image". We are also Lovers, and when we hold back the Fathers Love from ourselves and others we suffer. We are allowers of his Love, we are simply Listeners. 


The Love of God is the energy of pure creativity, it’s the energy that we and all things are made of. It is always present, but its so unconditional that it can allow itself to be denied. 


The Way of Sharing


These words are not meant to be believed or taken seriously, simply try to remember these and immediately put them into practice and watch the Love come flooding in. watch the Holy Trinity flow in perfect unison: 


-We are all Listeners of God, We are all Empty Vessels that his Love flows through. Therefore, no being can actually be a knower or authority of anything, as all creations (us) can only receive from the Lord. 


-Spending every morning/night in silent intimacy with God is Immensely powerful


-We are called to Share the Love of God, all beings are empty vessels, therefore the Love simply wishes to flow through all vessels, there is no greater Joy than Joy itself, no sweeter Love than the Expression of Love itself.


-We share the love of God through "Outward Oriented" behavior, singing, dancing, helping others, praying for others, etc. 


-There is no inside nor outside, so Helping others Helps Ourselves.

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

A Comment on the 8th Ox Herding Picture

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