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Some cats are great at making you feel like they don't give two shites about you haha.  Observing the personality differences in cats helps me understand that humans differ in personality in similar ways.  If you want to observe your ego or practice no self, spend time around a cat that could give a care less about your existence.  No seriously.  This might be better than psychedelics for your realizations.  Especially a cat that try as you might to get them to warm up to you, it never works!  They're the sovereign -- Divine I attainment (Divine Masculine).  They have that.  Some of them do.  Some cats are very social which is way cool.  The cats that have a dog quality to them.  Social cats become like family members.  As the old saying goes: dogs have owners, cats have staff.  

Edited by Joseph Maynor

💬 🗯️🤍

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