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How to never be in shortage?

Isagi Yoichi

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I find more and more that it's less and less about thinking of stuff you want all the time or trying to be in the right vibration to attract. 


In my experience, it's more about expressing appreciation (like prayers of gratitude and blessings), and just a deep knowing that everything's gonna be all right and everything already is alright, even if it seems like it isn't. 

Edited by Orb

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

A Comment on the 8th Ox Herding Picture

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3 hours ago, Omar Osama said:

How to never be in shortage of money & love and anything?

Notice you aren’t. 


3 hours ago, Omar Osama said:

How to shift my focus from shortage to abundance and stay there?

You never left. 


3 hours ago, Omar Osama said:


Every time I make something get something I lose it and wait until I make something again it's like a loop.

The loop is an overlooking of that you’re not in thoughts. 

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Here is a quote from a book that explain what i mean:


             What Is Existential Kink? 

A provocative title—but what exactly does it mean? Existen-tial Kink is an amazing, rapid shadow-integration process that I developed over many years of teaching my courses; 
a process that I’ve used again and again to help my coaching cli-ents and course participants get astounding results. That is what this book is about—sharing that process with you.
Existential Kink is a specif i c meditative practice that I teach that’s all about dissolving negative patterns by being willing to uncover and celebrate the previously unconscious pleasure that we actually—paradoxically—derive from those “yucky” patterns. 
And to be clear: by negative patterns I mean common trou-bles like:

• Not being able to make more than a certain smallish amount of money each month, no matter how hard you try


• Perpetually dating people who end up bearing an uncanny resemblance to one of your abusive parents


• Feeling stuck with certain health or weight conditions


• Having intuitive or creative blocks   These are the kinds of things that tend to af f l ict all of us at some point, if we’re honest. And if we’re extra, super-honest—honest on a level below our usual awareness—we all take a freaky, kinky, sado-masochistic delight in our af f l ictions, which is why we end up with them again and again.




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4 minutes ago, Phil said:

Kinda sounds like you’re doing something you don’t actually want to do, and then judging it as a mistake, feeling guilt or similar, and then repeating it to feel better. Hard to say. 


literally true lol

its like what you said

Edited by Omar Osama



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@Omar Osama

Question why you’re doing it. Write or type about it just to see it / get it out of your head. Delete it afterwards if you want. The vantage point changes in seeing it and it’s clearer.  Question what you do want about it and what you don’t want about it. That clarifies what you prefer more. Focus on that when any urge or impulse arises and relax and breathe deeply. Check out non-doing, see what it’s like. It’s peaceful, like no longer being burdened. 


Also consider there are discordant thoughts and unacknowledged emotions, and so the doing of whatever it is seems to produce or result in you feeling better, but the feeling better happens because the activity is a break from the discordant thoughts. Connect the dots between the thoughts and which emotion or emotions are felt. Recognizing this and expressing that the emotions are felt takes the urge or impulse aspect down and eventually out. Don’t guilt yourself or dwell on it. Love yourself, believe in yourself. 


Like @Orb said, appreciation & gratitude is the bottom line. Notice comparative or comparison thoughts, and ‘return’ to the present. Be where you are, appreciate what actually is. Allow it to be enough, and also look forward to what will be optimistically. Notice the comparisons are between what is, and what actually isn’t. Being present in what is is abundance. Don’t try to solve, don’t hold it to be a problem, just notice. Be mindful that no one else really knows what they’re doing or has anything figured out. 

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43 minutes ago, Phil said:

Notice the comparisons are between what is, and what actually isn’t. Being present in what is is abundance. Don’t try to solve, don’t hold it to be a problem, just notice. Be mindful that no one else really knows what they’re doing or has anything figured out. 


so what should I do when fucking society and family force me to do things I do not want to?

how can that be bearable? 



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@Omar Osama


The dreamboard comes to mind as well. Allowing the seeing of what’s wanted and being open minded to that it is possible is shifting perspective from shortage to abundance. Knowing (believing it’s known) what will happen and or what can’t happen is essentially shortage thinking. Not knowing and the joy of allowing & actually finding out is abundance thinking.


There’s a lot of truth and resonance in the old phrases, ‘shoot for the moon and you’ll land among the stars’, ‘don’t reinvent the wheel, stand on the shoulders of giants’, and ‘slow & steady wins the race’. 


Embrace risk. In terms of abundance it’s kind of saying the same thing. Do research on what you want to pursue. Read about people who’ve undertaken similar endeavors, about what worked and what didn’t & what they learned about their craft and about themself. Allow as many details as possible to fill in on your dreamboard with what you want to create to minimize the risks & uncertainty and increase (allow more of) the passion and eagerness. 



"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear in that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our Light, not our Darkness, that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?
Actually, who are you not to be?

You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the World.
There is nothing enlightening about shrinking
so that other people won’t feel unsure around you.
We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us.
It is not just in some of us; it is in everyone.
As we let our own Light shine,
we consciously give other people permission to do the same.
As we are liberated from our own fear,
our presence automatically liberates others."

- Marianne Williamson


And if you really wanna bust through some ego (limited resistant thinkin) & be filled with the Good stuff (abundance & visceral possibilities🤍) - appreciate those around you. The more immediate and ‘ordinary’ the more effective & connective. If it’s cold out and you’re kept warm, thank someone. Allow & express appreciation freely. If it’s hot out and you’re kept cool, thank someone. If you’re hungry and there’s food, thank someone. If it rains but you don’t get wet, thank someone. If the lights are on and you’re not payin the bill, thank someone. If you received or are receiving a free education, thank someone. If there’s a place to go if you get sick or injured, actually take a minute and thank someone. If you seemingly got into this Place via nine months of hormonal imbalance and sacrifice followed by years of selfless love & perseverance, actually stop and thank someone. Don’t take it all for granted. 


Note the difference between perspectives you actually want, which resonate - and transmutation. Recognize perspectives of old that don’t resonate anymore when they arise and let them go swiftly. Perspectives of resentment, fear of missing out, of seemingly wanting anything less than happiness & well being for yourself and everyone… when those perspectives arise recognize they’re coming up & out, emptying. Don’t latch on or dwell. ‘Get’ the ‘barfing’. Allow it to click, the wisdom of letting go of what doesn’t resonate swiftly. Every single time you do so to speak, a little bit more of you fills in. Allow so much of you into this Place that you can’t even functionally house that much love in the body. Allow so much of yourself that not a day goes by that you aren’t once again prostrated on the floor laughing about what you thought was praying. 

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