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Instinctive Freedom To Choose vs Social Tyranny Which Choices Are Allowed.


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Civil Wars between generation gaps were fought over this and are taking place currently between dictatorships and democracy 24/7.


Think about it without reciting traditional hope, faith, charity now isn't eternity because in real time it always has been until human intellect corrupted instinctive brains of each added great great grandchild added forward now.


Instituting ideas of obtaining power, wealth, and fame tomorrow by implementing laws governing ideologies promising tomorrow to be better than genetics maintained so far.


Does anyone else see how this motives means and methods to generate anything is possible scenarios that convinces each ancestor to give up adapting to space in real time evolving forward as specifically displaced now?


If this isn't the actual deep state of mind secret in every alternate reality's chain of command working from power of suggesting now isn't eternity,  I will stop posting on this message board.


Prove me inaccurate and I am gone.  But you have to explain each equally occupying space since conceived into unique Chromosomes for all 8 billion ancestors occupying space now.  I have for 17 years being ridiculed by everyone defending their career saving humanity corrupting the last generation changing people alive forward now.

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@solereproduction Maybe it's not a question of accuracy or inaccuracy, but that you're so absolutely sure you're right that you're refusing to truly communicate with anyone here, not even making the time to form proper sentences. Nor does it seem you're willing or interested to have a conversation or meaningful exchange with anyone, which requires openness and flexibility, it seems your only interest is telling others how it is. 

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1 hour ago, Mandy said:

@solereproduction Maybe it's not a question of accuracy or inaccuracy, but that you're so absolutely sure you're right that you're refusing to truly communicate with anyone here, not even making the time to form proper sentences. Nor does it seem you're willing or interested to have a conversation or meaningful exchange with anyone, which requires openness and flexibility, it seems your only interest is telling others how it is. 

Civil compromise is required for a peaceful time mutually evolving forward in life where reproductions are equally adapting to space never adding the past again, here now.  Ever changing form shaped since conceived lasting occupying time until decomposed. Genetic fate of any replacement being a whole half life reproduction forward here by the numbers living native to this atmosphere specifically where they geographically are occupying the moment.


that is the ashes to ashes, and dust to dusk when attending a funeral pf previous or current ancestors achieving death by whatever it was. 


The hell it isn't about accuracy because reasonable doubt created the alternate realities of parallel universal speculation separating actual lifetimes pretending to be more than all each has been since conceived.  Everyone told me to prove what I think, and my thinking goes with navigating all I ever have been as displaced here being only me through conception, zygote, embryo, fetus, infant, toddler, adolescent, teen, adult, parent, at 70 years old I became a grandpa when most are great grandparents by then and that includes my siblings.


I watch nothing existing stay the same results again, yet every reality says one cannot change their mind but my brain navigates things always different than before.


So I discovered traditional beliefs corrupted my entire ancestry and nobody wants to correct it.  Is it insanity or Eternal Hell manifested into real time by one species psychologically preying on each other throughout history and doesn't matter what ideology.  Again, for every season....... Season of reasonable doubt is closing.

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