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Don't believe in emotional guidance... Just do it!


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For those who don't believe in emotional guidance and intuition...

Just try for one day, putting aside your doubt-mass-of-a-mind, and listen to what your emotions say.  @Phil is really, really right about it.

Today, i've done it. 

i've talked to people how i really feel. No hiding, straight forward expression.

i've done things i felt like doing. 

i've disagreed with people when i felt like doing so, instead of "usual" people-pleasing.


It is amazing. 

Some people got angry at me. They shouted. They didn't expect that. 

BUT i felt like i had literally infinite capacity to handle that.
I felt like a manifestation of unending peace in the midst of a storm.
It felt JUST RIGHT. It felt like i was really connected and aligned. 
I just knew it is the right thing to do.

Even if whole world was against me, it wouldn't make a difference,  i just FELT like  I AM IN PERFECT PLACE.

And... they stopped. They started to listen. They started to open their-minds for a diffrent few. In the end, they even thanked me and hugged me. 

Unconditional infinite love is guiding this dance-of-a-life all the time. We just have to listen.

Please try it!

Thank you Phil ❤️ you are the most loving guy i have ever met.  ❤️ 

Edited by Forza21
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