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The Quran

Isagi Yoichi

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Surat al-anam what a powerful chapter.

this chapter alone can completely transform you and fill you with holy energy.

one of the most powerful verses in the whole Quran is in this chapter explains a lot of things that peoplee need to know for their wellbeing like if you are down and depressed this chapter will clear all that away.


وَهُوَ ٱلَّذِى خَلَقَ ٱلسَّمَـٰوَٰتِ وَٱلْأَرْضَ بِٱلْحَقِّ ۖ وَيَوْمَ يَقُولُ كُن فَيَكُونُ ۚ قَوْلُهُ ٱلْحَقُّ ۚ وَلَهُ ٱلْمُلْكُ يَوْمَ يُنفَخُ فِى ٱلصُّورِ ۚ عَـٰلِمُ ٱلْغَيْبِ وَٱلشَّهَـٰدَةِ ۚ وَهُوَ ٱلْحَكِيمُ ٱلْخَبِيرُ ٧٣


He is the One Who created the heavens and the earth in truth. On the Day ˹of Judgment˺ He will say, ‘Be!’ And there will be! His command is truth. All authority is His ˹alone˺1 on the Day the Trumpet will be blown.2 He is the Knower of all—seen or unseen. And He is the All-Wise, All-Aware.”





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HU has created the heavens and the earth in truth... Whenever He says, “Be”, immediately it becomes... His word is the Truth! When the Horn is blown (to the body or the system – the manifestation occurs from the inside out) the dominion is His! He knows the unknown and the witnessed... HU is the Hakim, the Habir.


this article was in Arabic the translation is not the best but here its i did my best to translate it:


The greatest secret

World of Command

The following information is the most dangerous information
And a great secret of empowerment

Read it carefully and re-read it quietly

World of Command

(It is his command, if he wants something to say to him

All you have to specify = be
and will be realized in a world = will be

The world of command is the world = be
The world of creation is the world of = will be

And you

You have within you the power of the World of Command.

The power of being...and will appear in a world that will be.

Within you is this supernatural superpower
From the world of command, the world of be

(And I breathed into it from 👉 my soul)

The spirit within you is coming from the realm of command
Coming from the universe

(And they ask you about the soul, say the soul
From 👈 the order of my Lord)

The spirit within you is from the realm of command
The soul within you is from the world of command.... and then everything will appear
I set it as a goal in the world of command and manifest
In the world of creation.. it will be

It is under this supernatural power within you that he works
Everything with you as a harness to be realized and shown
in the world of creation

(So if I have blown into it from 👉 my soul, then fall down
him 👈 prostrating)

Set your goals.... Be.. the knowledge of the command
And it will appear in.. it will be.. the realm of creation



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#6 Surah al-An’aam (The Cattle)

This chapter has multiple effects which appear to take on a theme of ‘feeding the spirit’ (the energy coming in is the ‘food’ and your solar plexus is ‘eating’).

First, the energy coming in is really thick in consistency, very similar to the life force energy that runs in your body. This alone is amazing as it means this chapter has the potential to heal you and maintain your youthfulness. It’s especially helpful for elderly people as this energy decreases the older you get, and it can help to heal the various aches and pains in the body that might result from energy deficiency. Another good thing is that it carries a ‘holy’ vibe to it as opposed to the ‘cultural’ energy signature that the life force in your body would normally take on (ie. the energy in your body carries the signature of your culture/ethnicity/where you’re from, and the energy of this chapter is holy instead so it feels very pleasant instead of cultural Earthiness). On a different spiritual lens, the energy feels like food/sustenance/rizq (ie. relating to the title of ‘Cattle’).

The next effect here is that this chapter activates the solar plexus chakra. At times, it’s as if the solar plexus (the energy centre on your stomach) is ‘eating’. As in, you can actually feel it taking a bite of something in your solar plexus and swallowing (just like your mouth biting and swallowing). I’m not sure what this effect is, I tried to search on Google for a while but I couldn’t find anything about this. I’m also currently unsure about what exactly is being ‘eaten’ away at from inside the solar plexus. This effect is not always very prominent, although the solar plexus is still being activated by this chapter.

Update: From another ‘spiritual lens’ the energy coming in feels almost like clay. It’s as if the very essence that your soul was made from (clay) is flowing in to heal you. I believe this thick energy is termed ‘Jing’ in the Chinese tradition, and there are multiple methods in the Chinese traditions geared towards replenishing and cultivating the ‘Jing’ energy— which makes this chapter of Qur’an even more of a miracle for me. The ‘Jing’ in your body is very concentrated compared to the energy of this chapter, but the quality of the energy here is still the same. Indeed, this chapter could be an elixir of youth in and of itself!

Update: Verse #59 has actions on the third-eye chakra. It’s actually a very strong vibration in the third-eye. Also, in general, any time God is mentioned as the “Knower of the Unseen” (in all of the various permutations in Arabic, عالم الغيب, علام الغيوب, etc.) it activates the third-eye.



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#15 Surah al-Hijr (The Rock)

This chapter has effects on the crown chakra, but it is a good shorter chapter that also does have actions on all of the other chakras and the energy body.

Update: The crown effects in this chapter bring ‘silence’ to the mind. The crown chakra is naturally active when the mind is silent. But this chapter is actually doing that for you by turning the crown chakra on in that state, even if your mind is not silent (and it is happening even if you still have mental chatter). Also, once the mind goes silent it naturally begins to fill with spiritual light- and that effect is also happening here (it’s actually flooding your mind with light).

Update: From another spiritual ‘lens’ the energy of this chapter feels like a mountain top. This is in line with the name of this chapter, as the area called al-Hijr was located in the mountains. I believe the top of a mountain is considered to be natures crown chakra, and this aligns with the overall effect of crown chakra activation and silence.





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#13 Surah al-Ra‘ad (The Thunder)


I’m not very sure but it feels like this chapter works on the fabric of your aura, possibly fluffing it up, cleansing, and maybe charging it also- although Chapter #72 works better for aura cleansing.


Apart from effects on the energy field, the energy from this chapter gives you this feeling like you are in the clouds/sky. Imagine flying in an airplane on a sunny day through the clouds and the sky. That’s sort of the feeling from the energy here. 




Edited by Omar Osama



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#14 Surah Ibrahim ([The Prophet] Abraham)


One of the overall effects of this chapter is that it is filling your face with a form of light energy. From one spiritual ‘lens’ it appears as a white light, and the consistency is almost.. milky. From another spiritual ‘lens’ it’s a bright light, with golden rays as well, but again it’s of a thicker consistency. This energy mainly targets the face and might be good to recite when you are feeling energetically drained in your face (ie. when stressed, sad, grieving, or feeling unwell, etc). It might also be part of the reward for this chapter in the hereafter— that you would have more light in your face.


Looking from another perspective, the energy also has a quality of innocence and goodness. No one will feel at all intimidated by you when seeing this, unlike Chapter #11 (this is the complete opposite ‘look’). Sometimes bad behaviour and sinning can take away the light and goodness of your face. It can make your face appear dark, ugly or even demonic. I think this might be a way that God is allowing you to restore the light and goodness in your face, simply by reciting this chapter.

Lastly, I’m only speculating, but I think this might have been the light and goodness that was in the face of the Prophet Abraham (peace be upon him and his family), for whom this chapter has been named after.



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Heart Chakra surah 

#19 Surah Maryam ([The Lady] Mary


I’m not sure but it feels to me as if this chapter has actions on the heart chakra and the soul star chakra, as if to establish a link between the two and to open you up to the upper chakras from the heart with love.


The energy pouring in also has a high level of purity, very holy and clean, soft, feminine energy – which no doubt must be the energy of the Lady Mary herself (peace and blessings of God be upon her and her holy family).








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@the system made me


I am not strict about anything why do people have this idea about "Muslims" lol 



Islam in the Quran is not the traditional Islam religion.


the word Islam means submitting to god being a Muslim is a state of being not a religion what people think Islam is is in fact Muhammadism.

Most hadiths are fake and corrupted so be aware when reading it.


here is a resource for better understanding the Quran 





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12 minutes ago, the system made me said:

Memorising the whole Qur'an in Arabic may be satisfying for example but it's quoting and being strict about adhering to what one believes is right is admirable but may not get to the root of one's suffering


why is that admirable I started to hate it bec of the preachers they disgust me 


14 minutes ago, the system made me said:

But writing here or anywhere for example about what your feeling, where you're at, is helpful, I think. I guess I mean, who are you? And I'm not saying to quote anything else or to stop quoting but I'm interested in who you are?  I have much to learn and I dip into the Qur'an and think about Islam still. I'm not a Muslim but I feel like we're all in this together. 



What do you want to talk about?



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so you see all religion as something to empty?


lmao, why are you creating words and believing in them?? 


I am not interested in religions i am interested in their substance the actuality of them not being annoyed by the word "religion" lol this is so shallow and stupid to disallow all the content of religions to be shared.



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2 minutes ago, Omar Osama said:


so you see all religion as something to empty?


lmao, why are you creating words and believing in them?? 


I am not interested in religions i am interested in their substance the actuality of them not being annoyed by the word "religion" lol this is so shallow and stupid to disallow all the content of religions to be shared.


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24 minutes ago, the system made me said:

I suffer from misery. I get that there is no separate self. It's like Descartes demon that he didn't realise was thought itself. I'm pretty fucked up today to be honest. I feel like shit. I was reading J. Krishnamurti earlier and again thought I got 'it'. But I still feel miserable. I do love God though...





24 minutes ago, the system made me said:

I don't know. Are you free of suffering? Do you suffer a lot. Do you have an unshakeable belief in God. Although...



No i suffer a lot too



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Self-realization is synonymous with freedom from suffering / ignorance. 

That’s a big aspect of why the ‘picky ness’ in regard to inspection & self inquiry vs doctrines, dogma etc. 

But again, this doesn’t necessarily make sense prior to inspection & inquiry. 

‘The proof is in the pudding’. 

It’s a tricky thing so to speak, and any patience in that regard is appreciated. 

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