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Question about creating reality

Isagi Yoichi

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when I create my reality I imagine being there and feel the already having of it.


so is this what I should do to create the reality I want?

I shouldn't be concerned by how and when this reality manifests.


so my job is only to imagine and tune myself into the desired reality right?

Edited by Omar Osama



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2 hours ago, Someone here said:

Try to feel what it would be like to have what you want, feel it as if you already have it (like nothing is missing).

Try to believe you can have what you want, and when doubtful thoughts surface, let them go. Practice letting the resistant thoughts go, distract yourself with something else if you must. 


I know.

Did that work for you?

What have you manifested?



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25 minutes ago, Omar Osama said:


I have a board but it's so small. 

should i use it or go digital better.

Use a classic old fashioned erase board like these used In schools. 

Write whatever you want on it. The more you write the better. And the more specific the better. 

Then start to take massive action towards your goals. 

For example.. Let's say you want a girlfriend. You should go out there and start socializing with girls. 

It's important to stay in the vibration of what you want.  If you want a girlfriend.. Stay with people who have been successful in this. 

stay with healthy and Happy people. like if you want to Become a Millionaire then stay with that type of people who have financial freedom or financial Thoughts. If you want to lose your weight then stay with Thin People. Etc 

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