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Question about the 'sphere' and perception

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Yesterday in the zoom call Phil you talked about (I´m going to paraphrase here because I don't remember exactly your words) something like Peripheral vision being a thought and not an actuality.


So I have tried several times this exercise, putting my "vision" to the pheripheral area of my surroundings, and noticing that the thought "This is my peripheral vision" arises. 


It has happened a weird shift in "zoom" sometimes when I do this exercise. Seems like the Sphere or Awareness its "zooming" into my body and its the one that "sees", not me. 


Weird stuff, maybe someone can guide me forward or just tell me I´m going nowhere with this lol

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This might ring a bell from that aspect of the call… I, me, my, mine.


Conditioning: I’m seeing, there is my vision, and therein there is my peripheral vision. 

Upon inspection of direct experience: There is no actual division or separation found in ‘peripheral vision’, thus there isn’t a me & my peripheral vision. There’s an implied edge where seeing ends and not seeing begins, yet when inspected no actual separation is found. 


When inspecting the peripheral vision, attempt to find the exact separation between where seeing ends, and not seeing begins. What begins to be noticed is no actual separation or dividing line is found because there isn’t one. There is the thought that there is, such as ‘my peripheral vision’, but the thought is the thought. 


In the mindfulness that there is in fact no actual separation with regard to peripheral vision… notice there seems to be two ‘greater’ components… the lens-sphere (which thought would imply is my peripheral vision)… and the world-sphere… which thought would imply is a physical world that ‘I am in’. 


Direct experience reveals this is not the case. There is no ‘seer seeing’ ‘in a world’. There is only the thought that there is. There is ‘our’ infinite being, being the lens-sphere & the world-sphere… and because this is so, no separation is ever actually found. Only implied by thought, which is to say conditioning. 




As a sort of mantra or affirmation, to see if it resonates… I am the creator of reality and I create by being. I’m allowing the magic to be revealed. 

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