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Hi, since there's people here that probably have done more spiritual work than me someone can guide me in how can I better approach the greatest healing work project I'm working on: Deconstructing ALL Karma or The Pain Attachments of the ego.


If not, just sharing this in case somebody finds it interesting or can help him. Right now this where I am:


So basically this last couple of years I have verified some clear things about my 'suffering':


1- My suffering or my main reason of suffering its not because of X or Y but its a very complex web of beliefs, thoughts, emotions, memories and identifications, probably formatted on childhood, but maybe also just 'heredited', (even though past lives might not be real LoL).

I don't see life the way it is, I see life revolving around this Karma. It's shocking to realize, I absolutely been carrying this through all my life. I never been 'free' with the exceptions of some moments or when I take drugs (or meditate LoL).


How to solve the 'suffering' or deconstruct this identifications its not by solving X or Y, its neither doing therapy, thinking more, or thinking different, or 'healing' myself. All of that do not solve Karma. 


What solves it its literally Me Vibrating in a vibration above that one where the karmic bonds vibrate in. 


Energy. Energy. Energy. It's all a matter of how intense, fluid, light your whole system vibrates, or how densely and slowly vibrates.


And so since last summer I started some powerful Kriyas and energy work, designed my diet around it, and have quit a drug which I suspected was pulling me back into this lower vibrations.


However, I must say, even though this energy practices and sadhana its the most powerful stuff ive ever tried so far, I would say its 20% potent of what I needed it to be (100% would be resolving Karma and leaving me free, in a vibration above it).


I must confess, sometimes I take a certain drug that let me feel completely resolved of the karma. I manage myself to not get dependent on this drug or something like that, because my sadhana and spiritual work requires a mind that is totally clear. But I just gotta be honest, I find difficult to see in the future this Kriyas becoming x4 more potent. It's like the Karma vibration is way way way stronger and it ends up pulling me back. 


It's true that I'm still learning the practices, there is a lot to master, a lot to learn. In a way I want to think that yes, someday I will be able to generate through the whole day this high energetic vibration and that will be it. I won. The complex web of pain of the ego will be gone. I know how to win it. I just need the correct tools to win it. And right now I´m like at 20% of effectivity with my current tools.



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