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Why Watch The Videos


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While this might seem like a vain attempt to get more video views on “YouTube”… and I don’t mind or care if it is interpreted that way…

Watch the videos. 




If you’re trying to ‘connect the dots’ here, to ‘wake up’, it stands to be helpful. 


How so?


Having watched the videos, when the videos are shared in a conversation here, the connotation from the having watched the video shared will arise and fill in a lot of blanks, without per se watching the video again. 

‘Dots will connect’ more easily & readily. 


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I feel bad for posting my videos on here, but sometimes a video is far superior to any text based response a person could give.  This is why I tend to encourage people to make videos and to share those.  It's a far superior medium of communication to writing alone.  Writing is a joke compared to a great video or live public discussion which is even better.  The more real and ironically human (especially for those with the human in their shadow) the better when it comes to communication.  There are pros and cons to the medium of writing for sure. 

Edited by Joseph Maynor

💬 🗯️🤍

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