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Why Should we live?

Isagi Yoichi

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what is the point of life if there is nothing except god why should the ego exist and create so much suffering?


why can't we bomb the world with nuclear bombs and vanish?


I know this is an egoic idea but is there anything worth living for in this physical existence?


what is the point of being stuck in a body and a have animalistic instincts and so much crap with other people seems like unnecessary hell

Edited by Omar Osama



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18 hours ago, Omar Osama said:

what is the point of life


Infinite thoughts, ideas, suggestions can arise. The suggestion here is to create a dreamboard to write them on.

If emotionally speaking there is less than contentment, the emotional scale is a great tool.  

18 hours ago, Omar Osama said:

if there is nothing except god why should the ego exist and create so much suffering?

If there is nothing but God there is nothing but God. 


Self Inquiry.  

18 hours ago, Omar Osama said:

why can't we bomb the world with nuclear bombs and vanish?

Apparently we can. 

18 hours ago, Omar Osama said:

I know this is an egoic idea but is there anything worth living for in this physical existence?

Worth is opinion. Make a dreamboard, see, discover. 

18 hours ago, Omar Osama said:


what is the point of being stuck in a body and a have animalistic instincts and so much crap with other people seems like unnecessary hell

That you’re in the body is an assumption. The body is consciousness, and thus it seems like consciousness is inside the body, but only consciousness is conscious. 

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You sound like you're going through some emotional struggle as everyone else occasionally does. Hang in there.


What is worth?


Create it!


Create a powerful purpose that is worthwhile to you. Get in touch with how one experienced life as a child, as a complete mystery to be contemplated and questioned. Learn to do things for their own sake, whatever they are! Throw yourself into whatever you do.


I've found this to be pretty effective in changing your experience of things. Heck, even washing the dishes can be a joyful act, it's like you're meditating. My happiest moments have basically been about being completely present, allowing for things to be what they are. 


Learn to cultivate a "monk" love for experience. Thich Nah Han can help us in this way. How come a monk, with no distractions and barely any possessions, seems pretty happy to us doing mundane stuff? Something to contemplate.

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1 hour ago, Omar Osama said:


I think about that nearly everyday idk how can I return back to it?


it's like something inside me died a long time ago.


hm, good question. And yes, a lot of people I encounter and interact with give off that vibe of having lost something while growing up, perhaps it's just covered by tons of nonsense. 😄 


Aside from these suggestions you're invited to look into it for yourself:


Deconstruct your assumptions. In other words, contemplate what do you think is true? Really grasp that you really don't know anything. Notice how "knowledge" can actually create ignorance -- by making us conflate it with an experience of whatever's true.


I've found that light doses of mushrooms open me up and teach me to take myself more lightly.

These tips should enhance one's presence and wonder.

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On 3/17/2023 at 7:01 PM, Omar Osama said:

what is the point of life if there is nothing except god why should the ego exist and create so much suffering?


why can't we bomb the world with nuclear bombs and vanish?


I know this is an egoic idea but is there anything worth living for in this physical existence?


what is the point of being stuck in a body and a have animalistic instincts and so much crap with other people seems like unnecessary hell

My answer to first question. Intellectual ego is artificial interpretation of one's actual time being alive here.  It is socially induced after birth, not since conceived.  


Second question answer,  Looks like that can't is getting closer to ruling elites are about ready to prove "We" can.


Third question, Relative interpretation each must make for themselves.   First thing required is to understand how living happens without a reasonable doubt sustained by theory, theology, hypothetical scenarios.  Genetic constants to evolving here one at a time in series parallel co-existence our species is limited to populaiton the atmosphere with last 5 generation gaps present.


Know the sequence of evolving in real time since inception. 

Original arrivals became 16 great great grandparents and any siblings that didn't became extinct.

2nd generation after inception was 8 great grandparents and siblings/cousins that didn't became extinct.

3rd generation gap was 4 grandparents and siblings/cousins that didn't become grandparents.

4th generation gap is 2 parenting the arrival of each great great grandchild of previous 4 generation gaps.


5th generationis last arriving ancestors changing the entire populaiotn of existing species one ata time now.

6th generation gap delivers the 6.25% recessive genes to each further generation gap after 6 - extinction.


It is a universal constant regardless single cell, or human genetic results of 8 billion in the atmospehre now.


So to the original 1st question, what is the point you want to make?  Stop worshipping reasonable doubt and discover why yourself. It is self evident when a brian and intellect work the same way and not against one's won time evolving as eternally separated here.


Kinetics, thermordynamics, evolving process.  the big 6 degrees of separation hope, faith, charity, power, wealth, fame ignored throughout history of this species manifesting realities to fit psychologically stereotype ancestries in this atmosphere.


Power of suggestion,

Context governs content,

Mind over matter,

Rank gets privileges,

Alpha brain(ruling elites or 1%),

Beta minds(hired management or 9%)

Omega people(obedient they, them, those)

3rd world savages that won't mind power of suggestion.


Actuality of being here now since conceived as a replacement to your previous 4 generation gaps creating 93.75% your unique DNA no other human had or have while this species exists.


Bet you don't like my instinctive answers I learned navigating space limited to my sole reproduction displacement.  I understand evolving process inside out from erosion to decomposition.





Edited by solereproduction
add context to clarify life's specificity to evolving forward now.
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3 hours ago, Omar Osama said:


@solereproduction What are Alha brains and beta brains??

Thank you for making me double check my spelling of for Alpha brain and beta minds.  Alpha brain is a fertilized cell's nucleus when leaving the womb with a body wrapped around never same shape or form until decomposed corpse.   That thing call a lifetime within an ancestry of one's one time event occupying space here now, in plain sight navigating around and between everything beyond each ancestors point of actively evolving forward here.


That specific gravity to the duality of zero or one universal code of displacement did exist or never happened. 


Kinetic actuality of being here now.

Edited by solereproduction
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