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I want to get a girlfriend and just wondering what are the practices for co-creating together?

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In the communion vs communication sense this practice has proven to be invaluable…

It stands to cut all of the deflection, projection, accusations, resentment, arguing, hostility, stress, tension (‘drama’) etc out of the picture. It’s like uncovering, being in & sharing Ourself together, paradoxical as that might sound. I’d be at a loss for what could be more beneficial to overall health, well being & joy. Time, focus & energy is instead spent on thriving & consciously creating together. Sincere giving, understanding, space holding & compassion vs the otherwise mind games &  ‘push & pull’ of getting and loving. 


Having an ‘our’ dreamboard & supporting each other’s & our co-creative dream is divine. It doesn’t get better than uncovered mutual unconditional love. It’s the pinnacle of experience. 


There’s great potential for a lot of this together… and A Lot of ‘filling up’ from the ‘emptying out’…


Both practices also work perfectly well solo for the ‘getting ready’ to be with / attracting someone as well. ☺️


For good measure… the emotional scale, aligning thought with feeling, just let source take out the garbage

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The heart pillow is the #1 video on your channel in my opinion.

Just cuts straight through all the non-sense, and if willing, everyone can directly feel each others hearts/ the One Heart 💞💗

Or, at least that what it seems like from my experience. Relationship on all levels have been great for me lately, as it isn’t even there most of the time now 😄

‘When two or more gather in my name, there I am’

Solo is very powerful too, it is like I can summon the soul of who I am thinking about and look through their eyes back at me, be both of us, have a deep conversation. Lately, I would call it an out of body experience, if I am really tuned in that is. 

Love you man, keep up the great work!

Ten thousand tears,

One Belly Laugh.

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