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You listened to me when I was suffering through hardships when it came to feeling unworthy. You responded to every single message stating to investigate what I actually am. You cared about me. You loved me when I needed it most. Words could never possibly express how grateful I am for everything. On the actualized forum. On this forum. Every single word you sent to me. 


You freed me from the bounds of my suffering. You made me realize the truth that was in me all along. You made me realize the unconditional love that I have always been. 


My heart goes out to you because I simply cannot express how much love I feel for what you made me realize my essential nature. By prodding me in every single message. In every single post I made. 


I was suffering deeply about feeling unworthy. Extremely depressed. Even suicidal thoughts. I would be in bed all day, waiting for nighttime to come so I could go asleep, just to repeat the next day again. I expressed myself all I could to you. You responded with such love in every single message. I find out who I am. The truth truely did set me free. You shined the light of consciousness onto unconsciousness. I truely don't know where I would be if I never began to send that first message to you on actualized.org. 


I am beyond my thinking mind. No longer identified with it. Feeling extreme love because I am who I am. Phil, you helped me realize that. 


I am the love before all form took place. I am the love that precedes everything. 


I can express myself authentically and honestly now. No thought attachment. Just pure love. 


Forever grateful. Much love to everyone. Things do get better. 💕

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