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  1. Your advice makes it sound easy Phil, many thanks for your support. It means so much to me. I take a screenshot of your post. I will try it now.
  2. Does anyone else struggle with quitting pornography and reducing masturbation? I've realized it's become excessive for me. In the past, I used these as coping mechanisms for childhood issues. Now that I've worked through that trauma, the habits persist. I've noticed my erections aren't as strong as they used to be. Additionally, I'm in a relationship now and want to focus on my partner's needs. I'm looking for support and advice, as this topic can be difficult to discuss openly without feeling shame or guilt. Despite my efforts, I haven't been able to stop yet. Any suggestions or experiences from others who've faced similar challenges would be appreciated.
  3. @Phil Why I felt a shift in my perspective for a while, seeing the pain as plain. But for some time it sucked back feeling the sensation of suffering. It happened several times when I re-read your text.
  4. Feels, limiting almost handcuffing feeling. @PhilThis is a good thing to know! The twisted-up interpretations I think are based solely on the feeling. When the feeling changes, the interpretation changes. Question for a different context, how do we alleviate the uncomfortable feelings which we call suffering that arise so often due to our humanness? I called it humanness because I agree with the idea that negative emotions are the consequence of human conditions.
  5. @Phil I think it is caused by social stigma I believe, which means that my mind and yours have significantly different limiting beliefs. I believe so..
  6. Feels immobilised to do something important. Yes, energy and health feel aligned with financial freedom. @Phil
  7. The problem is I feel too old to start a business. I heard success stories from people around me that they started their success in their early 20s. I am also getting concerned about what everybody in my Instagram circle is doing, they are moving to something, to their financial at least from the surface. The good thing is, I am on the way to my financial freedom now 🙂
  8. @Phil I think you talking about my guilt in realizing financial responsibility just in my 25. And yes, I realized that I had guilty feelings and shame about it..
  9. Thanks for your comment! That's what currently I am doing. I am learning financial literature and also job seeking. I also learned new skills which correlated with my possible future dream job.
  10. I understand deeply from my beloved friends who are tired of healing. They tried and experimented with lots of things. And some of my friends stay where they are now. Not improving their mental condition. I think there are lots of people on this planet facing the same situations. I want to spill a book that helps me tremendously with the simple technique in it. For me, the result is a permanent change in my psyche and my daily life experience. My life is more pleasurable every time I let go. It did not bullshit me at all, I practice the technique for a good 1 year, even not every day. Even if I just do some deep letting go (which might take some hours) several times, I am now a totally different person. What I lose from practising the technique from the book: 1. My lack of a grounded mind. 2. My indecisive. 3. My fear of getting along with people. 4. My brain fog. - I get clarity in my thinking. 5. Goodbye trauma - this big one since my daily life now is in NORMAL mode. Not heavily leaned in survival mode. 6. My insecurity. 7. Emotional immaturity. 8. Intellectual pride. 9. People pleaser tendency. 10. Lost interest in drama, I connected to a more loving sphere. 11. The list goes on and on. For anyone who believes they can heal themselves, I think this book work is a gift to all. The book title: Letting Go - The Pathway to Surrender by David Hawkins.
  11. Hi guys! I have concerns in my path, I just realized that I am fully holding my responsibility for everything in life, in this case is financial responsibility. The challenge is I just realized it at 25 years old. I am blind to financial literacy, I just read some books in financial terms and I was so blown away with the new information related to money. Because in the 25 years of my life no one talking about money and how money works in my social circle. I was just getting a comfy seat raised by my 2 middle-class parents, no worrying about no food for tomorrow. I have everything I need and am satisfied. Everything worked fine until I got out of my job for some reason. I looked back to my university life. I regret wasting my 4 years in Uni so much on my toxic ex-girlfriend relationship. She drains me so much, I do not blame her because I am a coward at that time not having the guts to leave the relationship, but it is how it is. For 4 years in a toxic relationship my passion for my work was gone. I almost didn't have anything to show up in my passion area. I am not developing any business from it. Now I facing adult life with little money knowledge. I was naive and no adult guided me at that time. My bullshit intellectual pride is also holding me back at that time for asking for help. I think I can do this. But Is it normal for a 25-year-old to feel behind?
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