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limitless lucidity

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  1. LMAO nice way to suppress your ignorance is everyone on this forum like that? The level of ignorance is insane. don't worry " I've experienced what you're experiencing before there was a time when my ignorance made me feel like I didn't know wtf I was talking about "It just takes "work" not to be ignorant. I want to make a note for future posts, those people don't comment on any of my posts or mention me: Orb, ConsciousDreamer666, and Joseph Maynor. Thanks.
  2. "Infinite Being goes through steps " this is one of the most top 10 stupidest things I have ever heard
  3. Isn't the THE TEN OX-HERDING STAGES OF ZEN based on a separate self? The Belief that there is a one who goes through stages is an illusion
  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P_S-U9Tbyd8&list=PLB0Hz529kj3GMw-n7WFujSbv9WMZaC86o
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