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Cosmin Visan

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  1. And dear topic initiator, here you have your answer why there is no love: because whimin hate good men and they adore killers. Enjoy!
  2. Why do you try again to show your lack of logic ? Your previous post was enough, calm down!
  3. Yes. You reverted back to animal level of spiritual development. Go pick up that good man (a.k.a. killer) that will kill others for your benefit! Congratulations!
  4. Yep. You are a whimin. It was obvious from your lack of logic in your replies. And yep, keep searching for that good man! This very line is an insult to all men. You are basically saying all men are evil and poor you, the victim, still cannot find a good one. Such an angel!
  5. You never read history in your life. No worry, if you will get unlucky that your country will go to war, you will also kill without problem. This topic can be closed.
  6. It's irrelevant. The idea is how is your psyche constructed as to how it will act in case of an war. I know myself. I would simply run into the forest and feed myself with roots. You on the other hand, will go and kill people. So where is that love that you were talking about again ?
  7. What part of "whimin pick only top 20% of killers" don't you understand ? You want to claim that actually whimin pick 100% of men ? Based on what ? Didn't you look at the study ? You want to say that that study was made up ? Didn't you ever enter on tinder to see how only 1 whimin out of 100 that you swipe actually swipes back ? So what are you talking about ? Magical thinking ? You are either a whimin unaware of her own behaviour ("where are all the good men gone ?" answer: you friendzoned them) or a simp/white knight unaware of the reasons why he is alone.
  8. The very fact that you mentioned that word shows that you have no idea what you're talking about. Probably you are an incel yourself and you are just projecting.
  9. Is not a belief. Is reality. Check-out studies. Whimin picking up top killers: Men killing for whimin:
  10. I already answered that. Because you need reason for that. And 99.9% of people don't have reason.
  11. Because survival and reproduction. Whimin only want top 20% of men, and men want to kill in order to secure whimin. This gives birth of an environment of hate. In order to transcend this you need reason. But only 0.1% of people have reason. The rest are animals trying to secure access to reproduction.
  12. I invite you to discover my new paper "How Self-Reference Builds the World" where I show how starting from self-reference as the entity with the property of looking-back-at-itself, all qualia, thus consciousness, can be obtained. The paper can be found on my internet profiles, such as: https://philpeople.org/profiles/cosmin-visan
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