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Everything posted by solereproduction

  1. Here it comes again. navigating life isn't projecting and describing what I navigate isn't directing anyone else to believe what I say. Intellect is comparing past to current events to be able to correct things that didn't go as planned to survive living eternally separated as one of a kind living in series parallel time displaced uniquely here spontaneously different while evolving simultaneously present since , you guessed it, conceived to replace previous ancestors becoming one's specific ancestry. Passive power of suggesting life isn't what it is works non physically as a person bullying another into obeying their commands demanding to be treated as exceptional, exempt from naturally adapting as displaced to rank above everyone else in series parallel time displaced in plain sight. See I am discussing means, motives, methods, not personal which, what, where, when, whom, a person became a we say so social new world order.
  2. I understand the concept of mind over matter, intellect beyond what instincts navigate adapting as timed apart here. I was trained since birth to never accept all I was since conceived. I never gave away my ability to recognize how evolving happens naturally here. My instincts and intellect are on a even plane in plain sight adapting uniquely here in series parallel time a different reproduction than any other ever has or will be added, including my children and grandchild. Including my siblings cousins, parents aunts, uncles, grandparents and their siblings and added generation gaps. I am sure you understand my point. You disagree life is limited to genetics eternally separating the numbers here and there are most likely 7.5 billion others alive that agree with you. I am outnumbered, but I am as uniquely here as anyone or anything universally present. Equality in quality of life separating those living here now. I don't rank male and female displacements, just calculate which generation gap they are in currently alive. I have to adjust everything I do to be left alone by those trying to rule tomorrow's results arriving today. I sacrificed all I was to be just left alone for the time I get adapting here now within the ever changing interpretation of where humanity needs to be tomorrow. I pulled my own weight and I did it civilly working within the corruption destroying this species inside out without disrupting evolving in plain sight last 17 years. nobody agrees with me, and I have never harmed anyone because everyone won't accept now is eternity.
  3. Self Extinction Induced By A Species Seeking Intellectual Freedom From life only evolves adapting as displaced since conceived to replace previous generation gaps lived so far. Please prove this inaccurate. 7,000 years of human history saving humanity from understanding how evolving actually works proves me 100% accurate. When does the beginning of the end, end? Now. Future only evolves like there never was a tomorrow to be had beyond intellectual pretenses sustaining reasonable doubt historically into current events. When there are only two sides to a social decision, what was the flip side of original sin? Eternal conflict between intellectual minds and instinctive brain navigating time as displaced one of a kind ancestrally here among an ever changing population. this is why I agree to disagree with every reality within this one species in this one atmosphere as one reproduction within the 8 billion inhabiting space now, evolving specifically here, each an ever changing form arrived since conceived. How you like these apples? Peace through understanding the common time shared ancestrally here now.
  4. Gee, I always felt from experience as to how I exist in the first place being one of a kind mutually inhabiting space at the same time every other reproduction in the food chain is alive, now. I replaced my previous generations with DNA from all my previous generations. but I guess actual evolving doesn't matter when people share out of body experiences dreaming life isn't biologically self evident and physically absolute to who, how, why living is what it is here now. Some reason I just will not believe syllables existed prior to humans inventing conversations cradle to grave.
  5. There are genetics results and then comes intellectual interpretations by those same genetic results they didn't arrive the way they occupy time now. You are debating the latter, I am describing the actual process evolving is doing all the time. personal experience knowing my specific time displaced proportionately here where ever I am at now. My body has constantly changed form spontaneously with everything else never same shape as originally arrived simultaneously here in that specific geographical position geometrically present geologically constructed. Back to power of suggestion, power of choice, whom controls the information people choose to pick between ideas now isn't eternity? Intellectual separation of leaders, followers, winners, losers, best, worst, all points between.
  6. What comes after typecasting ancestries by rule of law? Ancestors performing as stereotyped cradle to grave.
  7. Which kind of power is ugly and which is beautiful? Rhetorical question; Power to choose, power of suggestion, knowledge is power, Understanding the power one has, Power to govern tomorrow's outcomes arriving today.
  8. Are you willing to stop believing now isn't eternity? If not, you won't ever understand it. I am here to show the options, right to choose which option you follow or ignore is your free will to stay in character or return to gender conceived.
  9. Spell devil backwards. Spell evil backwards. How does evolving actually work, ancestral outcomes since conceived, not scientific possibilities. You adapt experiencing sole time displaced with everything outside your flesh evolving at the same time each uniquely timed apart in series parallel displacement. series parallel is spontaneously present, simultaneously here, always changing form, shaped from origin of conceived to replace previous generations lived so far, life forward from here now. I am accounting for any life native to this atmosphere specifically living now. I am describing kinetic eternity as it physically happens from a personal view of it happening I am a product of reproduction with one cycle to exist as part of the whole.
  10. What is your logic to arrive at such a conclusion? Apathy is my emotional governance to life when living as eternally separated equally just another reproduction inhabiting space one at a time. I don't play character roles of self selected "we the people of this or that scenario say so.". I civilly compromise with people that won't accept life in real time. I don't like being treated as sub human intellect when my instincts figured out how humanity corrupted 8 billion reproductions alive now. My brain got triggered by word serenity, since I use it as a screen name on another sight. But my post works the same.
  11. How? Rhetorical question since intellectual minds govern reproductions into selected marriages and that changes natural selection by random chances between specific ancestors adding another generation gap combined the two ancestral results another generation gap forward now. Reality governs incoming replacements cradle to grave using relative time logistic of comparing evolving to event horizons that don't change between cycles adapting to the moment here are always a separate total sum not duplicated again. Series parallel time to objects specifically here changing forms shaped since combination of periodic elements and/or a fertilized cell. One erodes the other decomposes after dead since conceived never saying the one fertilized cell at arrival when departing. that "It is what it is."
  12. Personal liberty as evolving in plain sight vs human rights to deny how living evolves forward now and make every great great grandchild repeat previous generations social arrangements to deny life in real time. When does tomorrow get better any rotation of the planet?
  13. Social mind is not a conceived brain per individual alive. Ponder on that awhile.
  14. but an ancestor won't stand their time adapting as self evidently displaced. Rhetorical questions, not pointing fingers as specific groups. Just life in general evolving as occupying space here now. Why does this never end? How could a species manage such a New World Order beyond adapt or become extinct?
  15. Wasn't going for what you want. I will leave it at that.
  16. and you said you didn't understand my post. but you additions since are what I was suggesting. Instincts are a wonderful thing. Intellectual translations not so much.
  17. The other side of that statement is perpetual motion sustains perpetual balancing to specific results never duplicating details forward twice. How? cancelling out extreme opposites leaves what stays combined in cycles adapting as displaced taking up space never stationary positions kind of cycles in cycles universal results occupying time specifically here now. Atoms combined into 120 molecular characteristics in three relative states. Gaseous, liquid, mineral. Those 3 combined generates a 4th level of combinations that as forms increase in size, the more distance between gaseous, liquid, mineral results moving around propelled by magnetic principles of identical polarities push apart and opposites attract. Question becomes which expands perpendicular while the other contracts diagonally. Contracting combinations expanding details never duplicated always a separate total sum individually present simultaneously here. Life cannot be established unless there is something to survive in. Which came first? Perpetual balancing universe or intellectual beings designing without a common core of now? Intellect designs social behaviors of established populations that commune around social ideas at working together sharing time while occupying space since conceived to ancestral lineages never same reproductions twice. Humanity requires psychological class warfare to sustain reasonable doubt that has been going forward each generation academically, artistically, economically, spiritually(philosophically), politically(psychologically), socially(each generation gap), since power of suggestion became governing ancestries to convert into typecast people directed by promises of better tomorrows than anyone allowed to navigate space one at a time using their own brain evolved from the nucleus of their fertilized cell containing the DNA of combined previous generation gaps. How humanity absolutely corrupted a species by the ancestors within the species working against their own kind. If this doesn't mean anything, here are the two sides of that result. Original sin and final conflict. Duality of denial. greater good outcome by devil in contextual intellectual details defying perpetual motion is already established naturally and no intellect can undo the process without destroying the universe here perpetually changing form and shapes without creating or destroying the energy of reproductions adapting as timed apart specifically here now. I exist because of what I just accounted for how and why evolving is a process and evolution is an idea to confuse every ancestor alive, from within the population present and it has been going on since dawn of recorded history directing last generation to obey previous 4.. Corruption doesn't change regardless God, Satan, dictatorships or democracy any generation since humans started type casting their own species by rule of law. this doesn't mean rule of law has to stop, but what has to end is denying the moment here is eternity and genetics eternally separates the numbers inhabiting space specifically here. So anyone reading this, you really want to keep reciting working theories and practiced theologies promising false tomorrows, or do you wish to start correcting human behavior before this species cancels itself out to where no more great great grandchildren are conceived again tomorrow? Dealing with power of suggestion absolutely corrupted what people get to choose from. this is why I sarcastically call myself over the years the 4 horsemen of the Apocalypse in character reference second coming of instinctive awareness, anti-christ of intellectual superiority, 12th Imam, Nostradamus' "One Male". only two words he ever wrote in English. All I have done last 17 years is stand my time equally created(simple reproduction) as ancestrally displaced now. Honesty without reasonable doubt. Just a grain of sand in the hourglass of relative time logistics that has corrupted every human ancestor alive, I was one once upon a time.
  18. Want my honest answer. It is your instinctive brain reacting to the behavior of your social mind been trained to ignore your time as a sole replacement representing the ancestral lineage that existed since inception of your ancestral lineage. You constantly having to be in character tears you emotionally apart in your own brain. With our conversations from the other thread already making your brain hurt, this post should end those dreams. it was because intellect doesn't agree with instincts and your instincts don't come from people wishing now wasn't eternity and you cannot enjoy being you because of it. Serenity isn't a dream.
  19. you experienced your intellectual social mind coming back in contact with your ancestral brain after what ever your age is after 4 years old. I really don't want to know. I like the 5 parts of your brain metaphor since you are a 5th generation arrival of replacing your previous 4 generations of 30 individuals go back another generation and it is 62. Same as your parents were, your grandparents were, any children you have are, any grandchildren you get from your children are. Those cycles within cycles are actually evolving as the life in this atmosphere always has been evolving never exceeding the position of living naturally balanced now on a universal scale. See now being eternity the concepts of reincarnation are the combined chromosomes of next generation replacement. What I have done is remove reasonable doubt but gave back the ability to instinctively witness eternity do eternal changes in plain sight being part of it yourself. All by changing one perception, now is eternity not eternity is anywhere else but the moment here. Peace.
  20. Reason evolution is impossible is because it is a noun. the statement is semantics to evolving balances out what did exist with what continues existing changing details never duplicated as before with results never same total sum twice evolving in series parallel combinations as individually displaced regardless combinations of periodi elements or ancestral results continuing or ending. Essentially inversion conversion of past to currently changing forward now. Erosion to inception into conceiving dying to decomposing converting back into periodic elements that will erode to inception all over again. recycling cycles like never before forward one at a time. nothing exists without a point of balancing total sum between actions and reactions, expansions and contractions, arrivals and departures, 0 or 1. never existed spontaneously present 0, never duplicated simultaneously here 1. here is something few ever recognize in mathematics, compounding exponentials don't multiply or divide, they add and subtract from a total sum existential parts remaining. Now get lost comparing the parts between arrivals and departures all hell breaks out until extinction arrives or those corrupted become honest again.
  21. Not completely accurate. Actually being alive discussing beliefs is a result of ancestral behavior practiced many generations of people never reproduced twice but the outcomes each generation is a combination of chromosomes of the conceived lifetime's past ancestors this is how every ancestor is unique from every other since inception of their ancestral lineage. It is a universal constant for the entire food chain.
  22. As politely as possible evolution is a topic,. Evolving is the process life changes form shaped living forward now. Evolution possibilities are socially debated by those not accepting how they naturally arrived ancestrally here now. Many people believe in supernatural entities make life happen.
  23. Don't have to be labeled to know when ........... nevermind, I have enough warning points already.
  24. fertilized cell, zygote, embryo, fetus, infant, toddler, adolescent, puberty, teen, adult, became a parent, became a grandparent. Event horizons of never same results twice and calculate that with rotation of the planet, lunar phases, seasonal shifts, annual revolutions around the star adapting in the moment the time I evolved to replying here. Doesn't every form of life evolve within same principles native to this atmosphere? Evolving doesn't leave results the same twice and the whole food chain is equal to total sum of what exists here now. Compounding kinetic simplicity. Actuality of being.
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