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Everything posted by Iesu

  1. Simmer down you two @Adeptus Psychonautica @Robed Mystic Non Duality Wars be like
  2. @Baller Frank yang said you could be an enlightened pyschopath
  3. Sounds like an anime boss tier list Was poking fun when you said no one cares
  4. Frank yang has to be my favorite "teacher" man is a fucking prodigy
  5. @Aware Wolf take what you like and leave the rest
  6. Frank Yang said you could be an enlightened psychopath Lol he uses the word Bias every other sentence
  7. @Aware Wolf @Baller @Joseph Maynor If babies, dogs, and cats are embodying truth I'd like to think that anyone can And what ever happened to showing compassion to others like they are the other you
  8. Yeah but one for all and all for one. And it's not that people are lazy or "least aware" there are people just starting that the path that genuinelyLi don't know and get confused. Like Phil said you can't be more awake then yourself.
  9. Would you really be surprised if you found out Leo was actually gas lighting. I think we all know that answer
  10. watched the others on 14 grams of shrooms lemon tekked in monster and did another 14 gram trip and 3 5-7gram trips. The healing and light from those trips have been the best emotion I had ever felt. Guys like Lester and you guys have been nothing but helpful. Had the insight that self was other at 18. But someone we know who teaches non duality seems to have a shadow of solipsism. So being utterly confused by the amazing direct experience and the "words" of the "teacher". With amazing pointers like "It's just you" "there is only you" "other is a projection of your own mind" "You're imagining mu and all others" "I had a traumatic experience I imagined my mom" "it feels like you're going insane" But holy shit if Leo said 99% of what he said in person there would be mobs of people chasing him. Then the sexuality sub forum, the party with god videos, the narcissism, spiritual ego, him saying he does not personally love you, the leaked video of Connor murphy where he couldn't care less when he had Psychosis, the list goes on I find that solipsism video so ironic not only because it was uploaded on valentines day (yikes) but Rupert spire who has made videos talking about non duality not being solipsism was on the SAME podcast Leo was. I want to take 100% responsibility in life but holy shit, I have suffered EMENSLY from that man. I'm doing a lot better but Psychosis, suicidal depression, existential anxt, struggling with being on the spectrum. And then my friendS die and when I say I feel suicidal he calls it ego bullshit. I'm still struggling still but regardless I think Leo is a terrible person and there need's to be a HUGE moderation of that channel/forum
  11. Lester really pointed out a few points about Leo I had some concerns about in a few videos. Party with God am I right? lol
  12. An angel's smile is what you sell You promise me Heaven, then put me through hell @LeoGura
  13. Right back at you The Ego is an Activity, Not an Entity
  14. +1 Good to see people seeing past Leo's spiritual ego you are the other me The poem famously draws on "Phil"osophical concepts held by the Mayan people known as In Lak'ech, meaning "you are the other me." The poem also draws, although less prominently, on Aztec traditions, such as through the appearance of Quetzalcoatl. 😘 @Phil
  15. Truth comes before proof. And truth is unfalseafiable. And just happens to be LOVE
  16. I have had nothing but the worst experiences because of leos teachings and he told it was ego bullshit when I wanted to killself because he said other was a projection of your own mind
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