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What is the difference between the creator journal and the dream board?

Isagi Yoichi

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What is the difference between the creator journal and the dream board?


You said when you write what you want on the board don't try to think how to achieve it but what if I am not sure what role to play to give value to humanity so like everything I wrote doesn't matter until I become valuable so I can achieve what I wrote.


You said when you know what you don't want write it on the back of the board.


So I don't like working wage slavery jobs that are sucking my soul I simply cannot work for a whole week so I quit all the jobs I had after max a week not even a full week.


So the opposite of wage slavery jobs is having my own business I wrote it in my creator journal but I am not sure what type of business I want also I have some obstacles like raising capital and environmental change.



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1 hour ago, Omar Osama said:

What is the difference between the creator journal and the dream board?

Expressive journaling is about emptying & thus allowing perspectives to change and clarity & insight to arise. It’s ‘getting out of one’s own way’ by expressing vs suppressing or ‘holding onto’ discord / discordant perspectives. 


Creator-Creating-Creation journaling is about allowing yourself to dream freely as the dreaming creator you are. It’s letting go of the how’s, the figuring out, the solving, etc, (the facade of ‘the thinker’ or ‘thinking’) and focusing on the what, and feeling the truth of presence, the now, or, the already-here-ness of it. 


The dreamboard is for the what(s) and the details & insights that arise around it. 


1 hour ago, Omar Osama said:

You said when you write what you want on the board don't try to think how to achieve it but what if I am not sure what role to play to give value to humanity so like everything I wrote doesn't matter until I become valuable so I can achieve what I wrote.

Any service or product offered for which payment is received has implied value. Value is only implied, because value is only a concept. Value is not found in perception or sensation, because value is the thought, the concept of, value. The concept is about separate objects, which there actually isn’t. 


Becoming is also only conceptual. You, awareness, are aware of the thought ‘value’ and the thought ‘becoming’… while you, awareness, vibrationally appear as ‘stuff’, and never actually become any thing / stuff. Thoughts about your (awareness) value, and becoming, are only thoughts. It is only via thought attachment, or, the illusory perspective of ‘the separate self’, or, ‘ego’, that awareness could be valued or measured such as there being degrees of awareness, or degrees of value of awareness. Arising thoughts about not being worthy or not being valuable could be expressed via an expression journal, and clarity will arise. 


1 hour ago, Omar Osama said:

You said when you know what you don't want write it on the back of the board.

Write a list of what you don’t want on a piece of paper, and then from looking at that list… write what you do want on the board. 



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