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Law of attraction is BS


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Due to the nature of relativity that would go like… here’s an example… and then that example would be met with an explaining of how it came about… situationally, circumstances, things which were done, and if that didn’t sufficiently explain it, then luck, randomness, odds, coincidence, who you knew, where you were born, etc would arise. Then examples to the contrary of all of the explanations could be given. People like Oprah who defied all concepts of conditioning, Trump becoming president, etc. Basically all proof is relativity. 


But creating a dreamboard and putting what you want on it, and ‘getting out of your own way’ is the ‘proof’. It’s just that no one and no thing could prove it to you, because that’s also relativity. 


If interested, make a board, write sincerely, and employ expression for any ‘getting out of your own way’. See for yourself what happens. Also try to see there isn’t the ‘me’ of ‘prove me wrong’. A big component of loa is that there isn’t actually right & wrong. ‘Proof’ can apply to some situations, but it’s contingent on mutual agreement / belief. You could say ‘prove me wrong about _______’ and while ______ could be proven wrong, you could never be proven wrong. 


Also, makes me curious if you experience a lot of ‘bs’ in your life…? Might be opportunities to peel off the ‘bs’ cover, similar to luck, randomness, coincidence, etc. 

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