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Friendliness and non duality


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I noticed that when i meet new people i tend to be aggressive. If i am lucky after sometime it goes away.

Yesterday something very good happened to me. As i was trying to be a good new friend to someone who just joined me and my friend, i noticed that i was stuck on self referential thoughts and concerns, doubts and. I was afraid i lose or look out stupid or i can be too negative. At some point i let  go believing that my issue would get solved by themself. After, i had this opening up feeling but also felt super friendly and started to love the new guy. It was very easy to appreciate and actually looked forward to interacting with him. It was very similar to friendliness as a feeling. It got away then got back again later until it didnt. 

I believe its very much linked to non duality but it felt more full. 

Does it make any sense? Have you exp smth like this before?  Not sure how to get it back as it felt just my fear, defensiveness and negativity ended by themself.

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1 hour ago, bardh said:

i noticed that i was stuck on self referential thoughts and concerns, doubts and. I was afraid i lose or look out stupid or i can be too negative.


When you "noticed" those thoughts you brought presence into the situation and when you notice a thought, then you can no longer unconsciously be the thought. 


So, you started looking at the situation from another dimension, which was not of/from the thinking mind or that's what it seems.


To get this back, so to speak, be present and mindful in your interactions with others. Don't lead with the mind, with all its preconceived notions and negative talk. 😊



You're a thought. Do you think a thought is going to occupy 'no thought'.

The 'changeless' can be realized only when the 
ever-changing thought-flow stops.

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7 hours ago, Faith said:

When you "noticed" those thoughts you brought presence into the situation and when you notice a thought, then you can no longer unconsciously be the thought. 


So it is like a mix of a thought emotion and presence. But it feels very natural. 


The other paragraphs make very much sense too. 

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3 hours ago, bardh said:

So it is like a mix of a thought emotion and presence. But it feels very natural. 


What I was suggesting was that by becoming present and aware you dropped the Self-referential negative thinking and a "by product" of doing that is the peace and the opening up feeling you described. What flows from there is not of the chatter box  mind, but comes from the deeper dimension in you, that you "are". 😊


You're a thought. Do you think a thought is going to occupy 'no thought'.

The 'changeless' can be realized only when the 
ever-changing thought-flow stops.

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13 hours ago, bardh said:

i noticed that i was stuck on self referential thoughts and concerns, doubts

Aversion is feeling the discord (suffering) yet being unwilling to inspect this, or, to inspect what’s going on there, to see why there is this … ignoring.  Aka, “The ignore-ance”. 


 But you willingly looked / noticed / inspected. 🙂

13 hours ago, bardh said:

felt super friendly and started to love the new guy. It was very easy to appreciate and actually looked forward to interacting with him. It was very similar to friendliness as a feeling

And without aversion, without the resistance, the suffering of ‘not looking’… there was the feeling-recognition of Ourself, of our infinite being, of you. 

13 hours ago, bardh said:

I believe its very much linked to non duality but it felt more full

Rupert Spira uses the analogy of clouds as thoughts, and the empty sky as our true nature. When the clouds are acknowledged and not averted… the clouds then pass… there is then less or no resistance / suffering… that I am projecting, vs inspecting is acknowledged… and the empty sky is revealed - felt - and much more so… is what feeling is - is what “I am” really means / points to… is the ‘What’ of “What Is”. Is “seeing reality 🤍 as “it” is”. 


What (thoughts) we resist (refuse to acknowledge)… persist

Non-resistance, is inspection, or simply, is the willingness to notice…

And nonduality is glimpsed, felt to be, recognized to be, the ultimate Fullness, the True Self.

And the truth of suffering is seen nakedly, laid bare, seen through. 


Every thing, every item, food, resource… the more that is given the less that is had. 

But this is not so with the Truth.

The more that is given, the more that is present, the more that is felt, the more the truth is recognized as feeling…

And the more that is allowed into your creation.  This place, this world.



It is good in my opinion, to ‘be a good person’. To do good deeds, to focus on good thoughts, to be selfless, kind, mindful & conscientious . 

But to recognize the activity of thought; ‘being a good person’ - is most courageous. It’s truly looking into the unknown. 

And to our most delightful surprise, in the willingness to look, to inspect, to see, the allowing of and recognition of the Truth occurs…

…that we are, Goodness…

… that Goodness is you!

Eternal, infinite, unconditional Goodness. 


I triple dog dare you to give it all away! 



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7 hours ago, Phil said:

Aversion is feeling the discord (suffering) yet being unwilling to inspect this, or, to inspect what’s going on there, to see why there is this … ignoring.  Aka, “The ignore-ance”. 


 But you willingly looked / noticed / inspected. 🙂

Yes, and i did it again today and i went from wanting to get them back to feeling love and compassion. I was discussing with a friend of mine and at some moment i felt like he got me. I wanted to talk to him more, and make it up to him. I felt i needed more from him. Then i felt aversion that he got me and wanted to get him back. I relaxed and just now it is like this wanting more from him turned in loving him more.

Is still not like the feeling i described in the post but it is better than feeling aversion.

7 hours ago, Phil said:

Rupert Spira uses the analogy of clouds as thoughts, and the empty sky as our true nature. When the clouds are acknowledged and not averted… the clouds then pass… there is then less or no resistance / suffering… that I am projecting, vs inspecting is acknowledged… and the empty sky is revealed - felt - and much more so… is what feeling is - is what “I am” really means / points to… is the ‘What’ of “What Is”. Is “seeing reality 🤍 as “it” is”. 

I am not sure what i am doing but sometimes i fix the discord. Sometimes it gets fixed by itself. 

7 hours ago, Phil said:

triple dog dare you to give it all away! 

I am not sure how to give it all away. The best i can come close to this is like letting it all go. Sort of like i can fall a sleep instantly and be awake. 


8 hours ago, Faith said:

What I was suggesting was that by becoming present and aware you dropped the Self-referential negative thinking and a "by product" of doing that is the peace and the opening up feeling you described. What flows from there is not of the chatter box  mind, but comes from the deeper dimension in you, that you "are". 😊

@Faith How would you suggest to become present when stuck in a chatter box mind?  

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