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Allowing & Wellbeing

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I like to sit quietly somewhere and just look around and appreciate everything. That it’s even there if you will, is amazing in & of itself. 


I like to feel into sensation, the aliveness, the possibilities. 


I like to express appreciation out-loud, whatever comes to mind. It starts a chain of appreciation. I like to bring everything & everyone into it. 


I like the excitement of not knowing exactly whats coming, and feeling the true nature of what’s unfolding. I like the emotions this brings up and the confirmation & assuredness therein. 


I like to then bring stuff from the dreamboard to mind and relish in the present-unfolding, that this is “the part where….”. This is “the part where I’m allowing, filling up and amping up with the feeling of being me & the excitement of all to come.” 


I like allowing the feeling that what’s on the dreamboard is already the case. I like how imagining & fantasizing about what’s next feels. 


I love the feeling of appreciation for the profundity of my inherent abundance and excitement. 


I love the honing in, being present, enjoying this as it’s unfolding.

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7 hours ago, Isagi Yoichi said:

Feeling so much resistance after prayer, I don't know what process to use 


@Phil  Is ego backlash a thing or is it just resistance? 

Ego backlash would be a backlash attributed to an ego. Like unicorn backlash.

While what’s really wanted is feeling ‘better’ - which is really… just feeling as yourself, being yourself. 

It’s just the resistance felt of an appearing interpretation. 


Is there an emotion felt, and a thought, belief or interpretation you feel comfortable sharing & releasing the resistance of? 

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