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Even simpler

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If you're looking for the fastest way out of hell... as a frequent visitor, I tell you, the fastest way out is jumping directly into the pit of fire. From there, you're just a few deep breaths, some honest tears and 3 back flips away from freedom. 

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See how I can be "arrogant", "cocky", "self absorbed", "proud", "egotistical", "stubborn" ...  And I still remain standing tall, centered in truth? See how it only makes it all that much more truthier and funnier? 


Why do you suppose you struggle with being truthful?  

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Oh yes. I am tuned in AF.


Every emotion I hear as a specific and well defined note. A frequency... And I know what notes to use to respond. Not just to create beautiful harmonies, but also temporary tension and drama filled moments of dissonance. So that when things do eventually yet inevitably resolve and we arrive back home, it's all that much more meaningful, satisfying, fulfilling and delightful. 

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An off day. Finally. 


She's having an online therapy session at home, with a therapist she likes and trusts. I'm out in the forest, chilling, being awesome and having an online therapy session with a therapist I like and trust. Myself. 

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Don't even get me started on rhythm. I am so masterful at rhythm, one single straightforward rhythm cannot possibly satisfy me or even grab my attention. It has no be at least 2 or 3 seemingly contradicting rhythms playing simultaneously, that all meet and resolve at a specific set point in time. Look into polyrhythms and polymeters if you wish to know more. That's where I live. 

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