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Even simpler

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Clearly, I seek no truth, no enlightenment, nothing above or beyond what I know myself to be. 

What I seek, is to become a true modern day wizard. To be able to manifest anything, anywhere, anytime, at will. In a blink of an eye. 

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The idea of buying a house is resonating very strong today. I saw an add for this most magical looking castle house, in Italy, in the middle of a forest, close to a river, bordering Switzerland. The price is completely reasonable. It's perfect. 


Still... I think that should be a bit more down the line. I think I should travel a bit more first. Do my thing, make more money, etc.

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It's not necessary, and it's not the only way, but clearly, one can totally ride the solipsism unicycle, learn all the tricks, master it and become one with it. However, it is very important to know when and how to drop it and forget all about it. 

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