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Even simpler

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No, but seriously, there are no people. 


"People" is a thought, a label projected and assigned to a perceived limited form.

Perception itself is a vail, so adding "people" to the equation is clearly double the vail amount.

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Even simpler that that... Even less nondual gibberism...


You see something, you call it something. But it is not actually that which you think it is, or how you call it... rather it is its own thing. Nothing.


Raw reality is just the absence of calling or naming anything, anything.

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Pay no mind what other voices say
They don't care about you, like I do
Safe from pain and truth and choice and other poison devils
See, they don't give a fuck about you, like I do


Just stay with me, safe and ignorant
Go back to sleep

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I feel hate here and there, yes. I think its only natural. It has its place. And thankfully, it's usually very brief.

But fuck... I don't think I hate anything in existence more than technology when it's bugging.


Fuck you AI. You're stupid as hell.

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I am already manifesting everything right this moment, obviously. I don't have to teach myself how to do that.

I just need the fucking balls to make shit happen already. And not even.


It's all said and done already. It is inevitable.

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