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Even simpler

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Who will I be?
How will I live to tell what I have seen?
Must I endure the hell that comes with the peace?
One equilibrium of god's own release
What does it all mean?
How can he justify?
How can we breathe
When the stagnancy's choking me?
How can we dream?
The nightmare reality
How do you sleep at night?

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What's the confliction between heart and mind?
How to bridge the void?
Fuse the two in kinship
To understand your prospects and vistas
And yet to see the love here too
It's more than I can do
Vows and pursuits which at best hollow
I remain torn in two

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Just a few well known trading rules, on the top of my head... 


Don't trade against the trend. The trend is your only friend. Enter on retracements, buy dips, sell peaks. Don't overlap time frames. Pay attention to high impact news, ATR, London and New York hours. 

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