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Even simpler

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A very, very nice day. Intense 6 hours at work, but I was surfing the wave. Wonderful progress with my girl. I am happy and at peace, more or less.


Ate well. Aiming for 6 hours of sleep now. Would definitely like more, but I cannot afford it. Working early tomorrow.

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I am excited about the idea of a beautiful date, to win her heart back. And get into her pants, of course.


But before that, preferably tomorrow, I'd love to go hiking. I know that's another something that she wants to do more of.

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In fact, my imaginary last name that I totally do not identify with but still have it printed out on all of my documents... is Hungarian.


"Kiss"... Pronounced "Keesh"... Translates to "Little". And "Ivan" translates to "John", we all know that. 


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