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Even simpler

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Ugly thoughts can feel ugly. But not necessarily.


Point is, I have no idea what happen while you were away, I can only speculate, fantasise.


But the moment you'd start sharing the details, is the moment I'd try to jump out of my skin.  

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On the phone you mentioned having a possibility of moving into an apartment on Monday. 


I don't know how serious you were about that, but it's very close and scary. I am working non stop. Would you really take off without saying anything again? 

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But who knows. We could also find common ground somehow. Get back together, even. Anything can happen. 


Uncertainty can be maddening. And if I did not respect your space and request not to be bothered... I'd reach out and try to reach certanty.

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No talking this morning either. Started the day in tears, but I'm ok now. Getting ready for another 11 hours of work.


I guess tomorrow is our last chance. If you leave without a word, I will close the door forever and start planning my departure.

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Big progress. We texted today while I was working and agreed to talk tomorrow morning. 

It does not necessarily mean we are getting back together, but at least we will get the chance to speak our minds and hearts.

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I can easily slip into a loop of justifying and clarifying everything. Oh yes. It's me.


I must not philosophize. I should also be less poetic, no matter how beautiful it sounds.


I should just hold space for her and hear her out, when it is clear that she is hurting bad and I can totally be a jerk sometimes.



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