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Even simpler

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This girlfriend that you're with, is a terrible influence on you. I know you know that. But you like the fun. 

I am quite frankly terrified of what you two are up to these days. But then I also have moments when I see it all as something innocent.


Whatever it is, I understand you want it and need it. And I can respect that. But am I scared shitless of hearing the details? You bet. 

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I can see myself accepting it as just something that you needed and never raising a question about it. Maybe it would eat me up on the inside, maybe not.


But I can see myself doing it. I'd do it for you, sugar. Because I love you. For us. Because I love us.

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Is that another ultimatum now? 


Am I willing to get back together, only if you didn't do something terribly nasty and crazy while you were away?


I guess so. Too bad I would also think you're lying about what you did. I guess I'd have to go by feel. Does it feel true? Look true? Smell true?

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She's super tired and didn't want to discuss anything about us at all. She only asked if she can come home to rest and not be bothered.


I said I would leave the backdoor open and the bedroom is hers tonight. I'll sleep on the couch.


Let's see what happens.

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