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I know you are partying, enjoying yourself, etc. And I almost feel like you should. I think you have been surprising that side of you for too long. It's no surprise that it burst out eventually. But would I rather hear that you are alone, contemplating this relationship and healing your heart, like I am... Yeah, for sure. I'd like that much more.

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And just because I am going through a heart break, it doesn't mean you can't read about it while smiling. 

I just read through a few of these latest pages, and I laughed at least 3 times. The funny is totally there.

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God I fucking hope at least one single individual gets these jokes and is laughing historically and uncontrollably, non stop. 


It's too funny! Way waaay too funny! And it's also real and raw as fuck. I love it!

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I mean... Is this ok? Is this allowed? Can I just... be in love with myself? Regardless of this break up situation? Should I enjoy myself, too? Celebrate?!


I don't know man... Something smells fake about it. I am pretty sure that would backfire way too soon. 

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I've proven to myself that I can reach the top and feel amazing in no time. Now, I must respect the process I'm in and stay real.


It would be foolish to assume that it's through with me already. I know it comes in waves.

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Truth is, I really want to talk to you, heart to heart, but I am also very afraid that one of us or both of us would not be real. Not ourselves.


We would have too many walls in between us. Let's hope that doesn't happen, if we do end up talking, that is.

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