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Even simpler

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If I go now, I am risking running out of money too soon, not finding a job, going homeless and dying there alone. 


But it's adventure. It's purpose. It's meaning. It's potential epic victory. It's what I really, really wanted, for a long time now.

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It's risky and it's dangerous, but I think I have no other choice but to take that risk. If I stay I basically prove to myself that I am one of those losers who always say they will do shit, but they never end up actually doing it. I must trust myself. That I know I can. I must have courage and faith.

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Work was pretty awful, as said, but it was also obvious to me how it's doing me good. I need the contrast of being active and among people. Too much alone time doing nothing is not good for me now. I think I must persist with it, at least for these two weeks. Quitting tomorrow or the day after would not be smart. But who knows.

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