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Did I mention that I have a thing with foxes? They appeared to me in the most magical of ways. The timing is always perfect.


Just caught one's tail in my eye when I stepped outside. Which is somehow even cooler.

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First night sleeping alone wasn't even that bad. I was quite comfy, and I wasn't too bothered by what you are or are not doing.


You left my message on seen, and that's good enough. Now I at least know you are alive and safe.

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All day shift today. I am kind of glad. It's not good for me to spend too much time alone at home now.


I'm a bit anxious, having some difficulty with breathing properly here and there, but it's really not too bad.

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Work was a roller coaster. I had tears in my eyes and felt on the verge of breaking down. I felt like quitting right there, right then. It was just too much.


But then I also had moments of peace and even empowerment. I even laughed here an there. But overall, quite a fucking difficult day.

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I would love for you to wait for me at home, when I'm back from work. But I know that won't happen. And even if it did, I am afraid we would be right back where we were, in no time. We would keep fighting and hurting each other. It's like we can't be together any other way. So unfortunate.

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I loved having you around, sharing space with you, loving you... But God did I also hate so many things. 

I must not forget about those. I know I only want back everything that was good. I don't see the bad stuff now. 

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It's too soon to really tell, but if you really are not coming back, I must move to Amsterdam in two weeks max.


I simply cannot stay here any longer. In fact, the only reason I stayed here this long already... was to be with you.

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