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Even simpler

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To summarize the day... Epic fighting in the car, some really nice hang out time with some old and new friends on a ranch... Horses, bunnies, a pregnant cat, zen goats and dogs. Many, many dogs. Drove off into the sunset. And then... rain. Heavy, heavy rain. More fighting, mad, passionate love - making and pizza.

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Today's final conclusion, to overrule all previous conclusions is... Dial down the temperament. Dial up the chill. 

More rélaxación... Less stréssación. More of who the fuck cares, and less of enlightenment master level 9000.


I leave you all in peace and prosperity. Good night.


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At enlightenment level 9000 one does not sit down and meditate every day, for an hour straight.

No... At enlightenment level 9000... Meditation is non stop. 


Cooking? Meditation.

Eating? Meditation.

Pooping? Meditation.

Walking? Meditation.

Working? Meditation.

Having sex? Meditation. Just not too much with this one because it can freak you out bad. Call it an ego backlash if you will. 

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