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Even simpler

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I'd say that no one saw that one coming, and it's sort of true, but also, it's hardly a surprise.


Our relationship had an expiration date from the get go. And we both knew it. We both ended it in our minds, a hundred times already.

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It's better this way. It's better that she walked away, and not me. It's better that she didn't even look into my eyes at the end, or said anything.


It's better that she just disappeared, out of nowhere. It will hurt less, the both of us.

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Don't worry, I won't descend down into sorrow and madness. I shed enough tears over this relationship already. And so did she.

We fought enough. We yelled enough. It was all just enough. We both needed the release.


I am heart broken, yes, but I am also relieved, somehow. I think she feels the same.

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We were kind of planning to end it this summer, when her decision arrives, as she's an asylum seeker in this country. 

We knew she wouldn't be granted to stay here, so that more or less meant breaking up.


I was going to move to Amsterdam, and she was going to go wherever she decided to go. Nothing really changes, but still, this sucks.

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I know I won't be able to avoid her scent and everything else that she left behind, and all the memories that we accumulated here in these two years.

The silence is too loud. Emptiness surrounds me. Now I am truly all alone, again. I know I will grieve. It's only natural. But I will not torment myself over this.

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It's no surprise that one of her girlfriends also broke up with her boyfriend a few days ago, and that's who's she's staying now.


Way to go! Girl power! Show them nasty men they don't mean shit. Show them who's the real boss.

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