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Even simpler

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Extreme commitment, devotion and faith might come across as stubbornness or even madness.


But that's just because you don't know what I know. You do not walk the path I do. In fact, you walk no path, that's why you're nosey.

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Just because I am the storyteller, the main character, as well as all other characters...

That doesn't mean I would rob you of the sweetness of playing your part.


You do you, my love. The wheel is in your hands. 

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I came to the hottest spot in the entire universe, where all the happening is, only to declare that nothing's going on.


Sorry to poop all over your dream boards. Dreams aren't real. They don't come true. What are you, 6?

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Before I realized that there is no such a thing as a mind, I used to jerk off to the idea of hacking my mind, so violently. That's clearly not what's going on here.


But for those of you who still believe in a mind... take notes.

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