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Even simpler

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Here is the structure of the mix:


Up front, dead center, big and punchy but very natural sounding kick and snare. Wonderful sparkly cymbals surrounding them. 4 warm, round, yummy toms.

Drums are the loudest element. Carrying the entire mix. Just below, still dead center, is the bass. Guitars and keyboards, panned left and right, bleeding into it.


Piano and Strings are positioned slightly above the guitars. Still fairly well blended, but distinctive enough to catch ones attention.

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Fine. I'll let you know which plugins/VSTs I'm using, stop begging me!


For drums I use GGD 2 Matt Halpern sample pack. That's right. Premium sounding top notch quality drum samples.

For bass I'm using Wave's Bass Fingers. It's fucking nice, is what it is. So smooth. So fat.

For guitars... You guessed it... Neural DSP... Archetype Abasi. Why? Simple. A plugin made with an 8 string guitar in mind. It's fire. It's future.

Spitfire BBC orchestra for strings and spitfire for piano too. Just amazing, full, rich sounding plugins.

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You need your ears to adjust to absolute silence first... you need to be one with the breath.. and then you will hear everything you must hear.

I suggest starting from zero and building up to one quarter of maximum volume. Not more. 


Once you are ready to walk away from the mix, you can give it a listen at 50%. Heck, 100% even. But for the love of God, please don't mix that loud.

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There is too much air in my mix, as of now. Trapped somewhere between 150hz and 250hz. I must tighten that area.

Just not too much. I am not exactly a fan of completely lifeless, airless mixes either. Not for this kind of music, at least. 


It must vibrate freely, there must be spaciousness, air and some magic dust in the background. But where it needs to be tight and punchy, it must be. 

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