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Even simpler

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And that's why this journal is just so damn epic. Beautiful, hideous, and everything in between.


It can make you laugh hysterically, cry like a little baby, puke violently and uncontrollably, go on a killing spree, or reach enlightenment.

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What if... and hear me out on this one.... be open minded...


What if, you feel the way you feel, for no reason whatsoever? What if you feel the way you feel... just because? And what if you can start feeling any other way, at any given moment... just because? What if you can thinks this, think that, feel this, feel that... and it doesn't really mean or change anything?

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A book of absolute truths and lies, disguised as a personal journal of a wannabe rockstar, combined with actually cool music... must be the best idea ever.


It's going to be the release of a lifetime. I'm going to be so stupid rich.

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Jk. I totally know most of you simply won't be able to appreciate the brilliance of my work. Your eyes and ears are simply not evolved enough. Your soul is to immature.

I know it might not seem like a big deal to you, at all. That's ok. Not everyone is supposed to like everything. May you create something better, more impressive.

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I am clearly joking about making money with music too. What? You think I'm some kind of a poser who would sell his soul and capitalize on his art as much as possible, even to the point of it not being art anymore? Please. I live and I die for this. I breathe this. I am this. I don't give a fuck about making money with it. 


And that's precisely why I will be filthy rich, very soon.

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Did I mention that I'm a trading mastermind too? Oh yes. That's how I'm gonna rig this stupid game. I'm going straight to where money lives. 


Not to brag or anything, but I am an enlightened ninja trader. I come in and out of the financial market faster than you can blink. And I take what's mine.

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You not only tried to fill my head with nonsense and poison my senses, you also directly tried to knock me off track, too many times.


I am your mirror, fool. Not the other way around. You all suck ass. Not me.


I am purity. I am innocence. I am love.

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