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Even simpler

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And yes, of course I absolutely hate it that some of you just could not hold your horses back and you had to come in here and throw up all over my masterpiece.


It's ok. I forgive you. I know you know not better. And also, on the flipside, it really is the perfect puzzle piece. 

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8 to 9 hours of sleep is just optimum. Everything is just smooth as butter.


6 to 7... myeah, it's still not too bad, shit can be done nice and well... but it's not optimal.


4 to 5 hours of sleep and you're tripping hard all day long, for sure.

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Yes I've got that tunnel vision. That's why I'm a superhero and you're not. And I'm clearly a super cool badass villain too.


On a path towards that one specific monumental something, most things and all things that are not related to it, are distractions.

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A fool is thinker that's thinking so fucking hard that he doesn't know anything outside of thinking. They believe their own bullshit 100%.

Actually, no, I take that back. They're usually not creative enough to have their own bullshit which they could own... so they believe in bullshit they read or heard.


Behold... how the blind lead each other.

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