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@Phil The point is, if not obvious enough, that the 'no self' teaching or notion cannot be taken all the way, brought down to earth or applied in just any situation. It can easily become delusion, like in the bank robbery example.


No judgement, and no laws, of course... Rather a disagreement about the path towards self realization. A disagreement about what walking, talking and living truth is.

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2 hours ago, ivankiss said:

Rather a disagreement about the path towards self realization

What exactly is the difference the disagreement is about?


It seems like, as you said, the point is about a no self teaching. Where is this ‘no self teaching’ coming from? What or where is it, what’s being referenced or referred to? Website page? Video? Forum comment?

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29 minutes ago, Phil said:

What exactly is the difference the disagreement is about?


Yes self no self is the difference. The disagreement is that no self as opposed to yes self is the end all be all. Aka the absolute truth.


31 minutes ago, Phil said:

Where is this ‘no self teaching’ coming from? 

Sure, we can play dumb a bit longer, why not.


Its coming from anyone's mouth into anyone's ears. Or anus.


34 minutes ago, Phil said:

What or where is it

It's a thought that can be turned into belief if masturbated at a bit too furiously.


That there is no self here, no separation, etc etc is a thought. Drop it like its hot.

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25 minutes ago, ivankiss said:

Yes self no self is the difference. The disagreement is that no self as opposed to yes self is the end all be all. Aka the absolute truth.

So, what’s being said is the separate self, which is of thoughts, isn’t a self, but rather is thoughts. 


Does there still seem to be a disagreement? 



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7 minutes ago, Phil said:

There wasn’t in the first place, just a misunderstanding. 

Yes, you clearly underestimated me and did not see just how enlightened I am. Who can blame you.


9 minutes ago, Phil said:

Appreciate the opportunity to address it. 

And I appreciate the contribution. I think it fits in wonderfully. 

Thank you come again, but not too soon, cuz that's no fun.


Love n light

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I am not only spiritually having sushi while watching myself doing all this incredible kung fu, I am also literally having sushi for dinner, in real life. 

My lovely angel is the master chef tonight. Should be ready faster than you can blink.

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I am a musical genius and a trading mastermind, she is a political scientist and an excellent painter.


It sounds ridiculous to even say it out loud because it is literally just to good to be true. We are like a team of superheroes. That no one knows about.



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I ended up sleeping 3 hours, not 5, I went to work half dead half alive and nailed my shit. Others did not really, it was kind of a shit fest, but I walked out like a boss at the end of my shift. Came home, kicked some ass in the spiritual realm, watered the garden, lovely little zucchinis coming out, showered and shaved and ate the best sushi in the entire universe. And the climax is still coming. Need I go on proving just how incredibly enlightened I am? 

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