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The only reason why certain muscles are tense as fuck is because other muscles are lazy ass fuck, not doing their job.


The body is slowly but surely transforming. Getting stronger and more flexible. All thanks to breath. 

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I have a love hate relationship with lyrics in music. I think it's both a good and a bad idea. But something I thought of just recently, is that instrumental music gets kind of ruined by naming the songs, right? Right?! Haha!

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Let you know, my upcoming EP titled "Naked and Transparent" is... fully instrumental. 20 minutes or so of no vocals whatsoever. Sorry for you hardcore thinkers out there. I guess this stuff is more for advanced feelers. Still, I made sure to include thought provoking song titles to provide you all with something to love.


But no jokes, I promise I am going to implement vocals in my future music, as I have a voice of a true angel. There won't necessarily be lyrics, but who know, maybe even.

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Another shot of pure testosterone into my veins. I used all kinds of manly tools again. Built a stand for my girlfriend's soon to come art exhibition.

Looking pretty fucking good!

Also planted a new zucchini little guy and watered the garden. That's right. I am not your average dumb spoiled winy rockstar. I am wholesome as fuck.


Life is good.

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Definitely decided on printing this journal out. For sentimental reasons, mainly. Gotta love the romantic feel of a hard copy.

Not sure about selling it yet, but if I will sell it, I'll might release it as some kind of a cool biographic combo with my EP.


For the lolz and totally for realz too.

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