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Even simpler

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She pretty much declared that she want my D, specifically. Infront of at least 20 other colleagues. 


I know her kind. She is your typical loudest in the room I hate all men nobody can satisfy me but actually I just crave true love intimacy and respect kind of girl.

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To think that my girlfriend would have to deal with something similar at her workplace, makes me wanna throw up. I feel terrible for being too polite and trying to play it off nice. I should have just said to her to back the fuck off, or else. 


She was throwing desperately horny comments at me for 10 hours straight today. No jokes.

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I see two options, of course.


Either I try to reason with her and make it clear that this cannot continue. Or I speak to the manager, and ask him to speak to her.


So, either I have to be a dick, or a huge dick. Somethings telling me, she's not gonna like it.

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