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Even simpler

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There is no truth in thought. There just isn't. In fact, thought is more like the anti - truth. And not even.

It is an attempt to escape truth. To escape being. To escape what is.


Innocent, beautiful, hideous, evil... Thought.


It is an attempt that is destined to fail. Nothing can stop it from trying, but it can never truly succeed in its mission. 


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Mental masturbation is something I actually picked up on here... The forum. This one and the other one.

I am fucking glad I did. I grew to be a master masturbator. No one can out - masturbate me.


But fuck... once you become this good at it... it is just hilariously stupid.

So mind - blowingly insignificant.

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If you want the truth, you must find access to love. Especially if it seems like you are outside of love. Because you are not, actually,

It does not really matter how you find access or what the access is. It does not matter what words you use, what labels you assigns, what you do or do not do.

What matters, and not even, is that once you do find access to it, it is unmistakably love... to you.

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What is synchronicity, you ask?


Well, it happens only if you think a lot, I tell you that.

And what it always seems to be emphasizing, pointing out, highlighting...

Is exactly that which you have been thinking about. It aligns with the storyline, in some way or fashion.


It happens outside of thinking, but seems to be about what you were thinking.

It's a glimpse,  a sudden yet profound interruption, and more.


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