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I am not the biggest fan of wine, beer or any other alcoholic beverage perse. Which does not mean I do not get drunk here and there.


Tonight's delicious dinner however... is just begging for some good mid range local white wine.

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We love people here. Let's talk about them.


Two kinds.


One is a numbed out full of themself psycho narcissist who walks over everyone else in order to get what they want.

The other is your typical insecure highly sensitive low self esteem wuss, afraid of their own shadow, being fucked dry and violently by the first kind, on daily basis. 


How these two kinds of people awaken... How these two structures, false identities, false selves collapse... is precisely opposite from one another. 



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These two kinds of people are obviously madly in love. It's your typical toxic relationship story.

They do not actually exist without one - another. They feed on each - other. Keep each - other alive.


It's God's favorite show.


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Type one is locked in their head and can barely feel anything at all. That's why they are kind of emotionally retarded and have zero self awareness.

Type two is usually hyper sensitive to any slight change in their surroundings. They feel everything very deeply and usually suck with money.

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