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Even simpler

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Of course I believe in age. How else could I flash my cutest 6 year old falling in love with the guitar and becoming an enlightened master story?


Also, at age 33, which is roughly 3 years from today, something very important will happen. I promise (the tv repeated it, cool sync, so it must be true)

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One of the reasons why I'm about to make it now, and I did not do it 10 years ago... is because getting high on the idea of making it, is much more satisfying than actually making it. I spent at least 18 dog years fantasizing about making it. And it might take i bit longer. But I'll end up actually doing it, I promise.

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I know it really seems like I'm spiritually bullying and abusing myself, and it's not entirely untrue, but there is more than meets the eye here, I promise.


I am not only coping, I am also creating. Loving. Living. Sharing. Being.

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It's not just the false identity and conditioning that's dying... It's also my phone.

I had it for nearly 4 years. I'm impressed.


Any moment now, I will buy myself a new phone, and then I swear I'll spend less time on it.

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