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Even simpler

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One could spend quite some time in this zone, if you will, acting like some sort of a walking mirror. It is a way of being, yes.

Thankfully, that's not my highest aspiration. I have more heart and purpose than that. I use the mirroring game as a coping mechanism, mostly.

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The mirror teaching does not say that if you see a rapist and a murderer raping and murdering someone in front of you, it means you are the rapist and the murderer.

That's just utterly stupid and ridiculous. Spiritual retardation. Blasphemy.


The mirror teaching clearly says one thing only. You most definitely need a haircut. Looking kind of shaggy there.




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I know it really, really seems like I am the master trickster, the master masturbator and liberator, but actually, I'm just someone who's trying to give less and less fuck about all of this brilliant crapload of nonsense. 


This is like an echo, of a spiritual fart. Echoing though all space and time, for all eternity.

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I clearly know how to create something out of nothing. And not just something, but everything.

But what I really should know a little bit better, is how to take proper care of myself.


How to get to know me, without having to burn or destroy me.

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Always responding with a higher frequency (and not even) is clearly maximum zen enlightytude.

Mirroring is a double edged sword. Has its place and time.

Responding with a lower frequency can be badass, but definitely causes more harm than good in the long run.

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Assuming you already abide as emptiness, and there is not much going on anyways... 

When someone comes along a projectile vomits their entire family tree's trauma into your sacral chakra... You cannot be so narcissistic to make it about you.


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